Chapter 15 - The Fight 2

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Toni walk up the stair, turn to the right and walk to the end of the class. She open the door and saw Jack was sitting on the chair while Carl was looking out of the window.

"You're here!!!!Do you have what I want?" said Carl while looking at Toni. Toni pull out the hard drive from her pocket and rise her hand up.

"I got it!!!Now let him go!!!!" said Toni.

"Hard Drive first!!!" said Carl. Toni walk closer towards Jack and handle out the hard drive. Carl took the hard drive but Toni did not want to let go.

"Jack run out now!!!" said Toni. While she try to hold Carl as long as she can. Jack run out of the class, once Toni is assure that he is in no danger, she snatch the hard drive back and slam it on to the ground. Carl look at Toni and he was became mad.

"What did you do that?" said Carl.

"Help you destroying the evident. Is it not what he told you to do?" said Toni while stepping back.

"You going to regret messing with us!" threaten Carl.

"You will regret not listening to me." said Toni. Carl walk towards Toni and threw a punch straight to her but Toni duck down and left straight punch to Carl body and rear arm uppercut to his body. Toni move away and wait for Carl to attack and that what Carl did, he move quickly to Toni and punch her left and right but she double arm cover and she dodge to her left to punch straight to Carl side torso. He move back and touch his torso which he felt pain.

"Carl...let's stop this. I don't want to hurt you." said Toni.

"But I want to hurt you so badly!!" said Carl running to Toni throwing countless punches. Toni double arm cover her face. Carl was in attack mode. She keep moving back trying to escape Carl attack, Toni finally duck and uppercut to Carl jaw with all of her strength making Carl fall back. Toni then punch Carl face left, right, left, right and finally threw a left hook to his face making him fall down to the ground. Toni move back and look at how Carl struggle to stand up.

"Why...Carl why!!! You know how bad he is? Why are you siding him?" shout Toni.

"I have to....I have too. You don't understand no one will!!!" shouted Carl back. Toni look at Carl and immediately she knew why Carl had hated her.

"I am sorry. I should have protected you too." said Toni.

"You can't protect him from me." said Carl.

"What did he ask you to do? Towards me?" said Toni.

"He told me to finish you in exchange he stop what he did to me." said Carl. Toni smile at Carl and says,

"Then finish me that!"


"Finish me....I don't want you to get hurt anymore."

"Are you looking down on me? HUH!!!"

"Nope...I am not. Let's end this....I am here waiting for you." said Toni while she stand with her arm open.

"I'm going to finish you." said Carl standing up, taking a folding knife from his pocket and run towards her and stab her in her stomach. Toni felt the pain at her stomach, she felt blood was rushing out from her stomach but she kept pressure at near the knife. She hold Carl shoulder and says,

"You did you're free. Run....Run...and never deal with him again." Carl was shock to hear what she told him to do. He let go of his hand which was at the knife and push her away from him. Toni slowly fall down to her knee and says,

"Go...Go now before Grey come. GO!!!!!" as she shout. Carl was in shock, he did not want to kill her. He hated her but never want to kill her. Carl step back slowly and was breathing heavily. Toni squeeze her eyes try to put more pressure to her wound. She then heard someone was running toward the class.

"Toni!!!" shouted Grey while he run towards her. Grey catch her and lay her down slowly. He look at her and says,

"What happen to you?" His hand felt blood on her clothes, he then saw that she was being stab. He look up at Toni who was trying to breathe. Grey turn to Carl and wanted to kill him when Toni grab her hand and say slowly,

"Call...the ambulance now....NOW." Grey took out his phone and call the ambulance.

"I need an ambulance now!!! At the Mid Cross street High School, someone has been stab. Please hurry." shouted Grey while he threw his phone to the side. He went to Toni closely and says,

"Toni...Toni look at me!!!!Look at me!!" Toni look at her and slowly breathing.

"You are going to be fine...the ambulance is on the way. Okay...Jack is save he is at the car. I told him to stay there. Come....look at me!" said Grey again while Toni eyes were slowly closing.

"Toni...Toni...come on!!!!Toni!!!!!" shout Grey.

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