Chapter 18 - Visiting Mum and Dad

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After a long week of rest finally Toni is back. She is now fully recover. She does not need to have Grey or Carl do thing for her. Ever since Marie had become her god mother, she kept visiting her, making her food and ensure that she is being properly taken care of by Grey and Carl. Angie, Miranda and Santos visit, they were angry at what Principal Dawson did and were glad that Toni is alright. Toni look at Grey who was eating his dinner that she had made.

"Um.... This is delicious!!!! Don't get stab anymore!!!" said Grey while he took a big bite of meat and place into his mouth.

"You and your food. " said Toni while she sat beside Grey. Grey look at Toni and saw that she was not that happy to be back. He stop eating and says,

"What's wrong?" Toni look at him and says,

"Nothing!!!Nothing's wrong."

"Toni!!!What's wrong?"

"I'm missing my parents. It has been very long that I have to visited their grave."

" you want to go tomorrow?" said Grey. Toni immediately smile and says,

"Seriously!!!!! You are going to take me there?"

"Yeah...I rather send you there then look at your sad and pity face. It makes the food taste bad."

"I am telling you my feel long as you send me there I'm good." said Toni while she march to her room angrily. Grey looks at Toni being childish and smiles to himself.

The next day, Toni went down at the drive way and waited for Grey. Toni could not wait to visit her parents' grave. It has been a while that she had not visited and she felt bad that she did not have the time to go. Toni look around the drive way when she saw Grey was driving into the driveway. Grey stop his car in front of Toni, Toni quickly open the door and went in.

"Where did you go so early in the morning?" said Toni while she buckles her seat belt. Grey turn to the back seat and bring out 2 bouquet of mix flower and place it at Toni lap. Toni was shock to see the flowers. She looks at Grey he then says,

"Marie recommends me to get this from a very popular florist. They always have fresh flowers." said Grey shyly while he starts the engine. Toni smiles while she controls her tears.

"Let's go then." said Grey while he starts to drive.

After an hour, finally they reach the grave. Grey park the car, Toni went out with the 2 bouquet of flowers in her hands and look around the grave yard. Toni walks up the hill where her parents were buried. Every time she walks up the hill to see her parents she will felt that they are at the top waiting for her to come. Toni stops and looks down at her parent's grave. She places each bouquet of flower at the grave and says,

"I'm sorry that I have not visited much. I was very busy, I want to introduce you to someone." Grey stood beside her and says,

"Why are you talking to yourselves?"

"I'm not talking to myself; I'm talking to my parents. Mum, dad this is Grey my friend from school. Currently I am staying with him until I graduate from school. Angie told me too." said Toni again. They then felt wind around them. Grey looks at Toni and says,

"This is crazy but since I am here then it nice to meet you. I'm Grey we are school mate, just tell you that she is doing fine. Please don't worry about her. I understand what you have felt as she's always getting into a fight." Toni immediately smacks Grey hand.

"I'm not always fighting but sometime." said Toni.

"Just to let you know that you should be proud of her. She had just save many life in school and their life will continue normally because of her. Thank you for giving birth to her Mrs. Pearson." said Grey. Toni turns to look at him and her tears roll out from her eyes as she felt very touch when Grey thank her parents for having her. Toni wipe her tears and says,

"Since when did you became so mushy?" Grey look at her,

"Since I met you! It all your fault!!!" said Grey while he turn around and walk down to his car.

"Hurry up and finish talking to your parents....I am hungry!!!" said Grey again. Toni turn to her parents grave and says,

"Mum...Dad I'll go now but I'll visit you again. I love you both." Toni kiss her hand and place tap it at her parents grave stone. She then turn around and run down the hill towards Grey.

"Done?" said Grey. Toni smile and nod her head like a good girl.

"Let's go!!!!" said Grey while he go into his cars follow by Toni.

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