Chapter 20 - Reuniting the McCall family 2

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Grey stops driving in front of the large gold gate. Everyone look out from the window and saw that they have reached Grey house.

"Wow...that a big gate and it in gold!" said Jack.

"Grey are you richer that me?" said Carl who was sitting behind Grey. Grey holds the steering wheel tightly and says,

"Why are you bringing them along? It was only for the two of us."

"I did not say that, your step mother invited us too. She said we can bring your friends too." said Toni who was still looking at the big gate.

"I don't have a nerd or the school bully as a friend!!!" said Grey disagreeing that Jack and Carl is his friends.

"Ouch that hurts! I thought we are?" said Jack.

"Agree... Grey we are now closer more that before. I can now talk to you before I can't even talk to you this informal." said Carl while he moves himself closer to Grey. Grey then turn around and all of them felt a dark aura around him start to come out.

"What about now? Do you want still want to be informal?" said Grey. Carl immediately moves back and move closer to Jack and says,

"No Sir!" Grey turn in front and saw the gate start to open. He then drive in and drive to the drive way where everyone was waiting for them. All of them were amaze at how big and beautiful Grey house were expect for Grey. Right after the death of his mother, they move out from the old house and move into his late grandfather mansion. Grey stop the car and all of them went out.

"Welcome to the McCall mansion!" said Richard McCall the head of the McCall family and father of Jenny, Jeff and Grey.

"Thank you for having us Mr. McCall." Said Toni while she pull Grey jacket so that he can talk to his father but Grey did not response.

"It alright, we are use to his silent treatment. And you're must be Toni my wife Alice told me that you are the one who convince Casper to come today." said Richard.

"Casper?" said Toni, Jack and Carl all together while they turn to look at Grey who had turn embarrass. Richard looks at them and saw their reaction.

"Oh...what did you call him then?" said Richard.

"Grey!!!" said Toni, Jack and Carl. Suddenly all of them who were present started to laugh.

"Whatever!! I'm gone." Said Grey while he walks back to the drive side and wanted to drive off when Toni run towards him and stop him.

"We're sorry alright. Let's go in now!!" said Toni while she hold and pull his hand. Everyone was shock to see that Toni was holding his hand and he allow her too.

"Well then go in, we have prepared lunch. Our butler Edward will bring the bags up to the room." Said Alice while all of them walks into the mansion.

The moment they enter, Jenny and Jeff rum down stair to see Grey.

"Jenny what did I say about running down the stair?" said Alice.

"Sorry mum! Hi brother!" said Jenny towards Grey who was looking at her.

"Say Hi Grey!" whisper Toni.

"Hi!!" said Grey as he did not know what to say to Jenny. Ever since his dad got marry to Alice, he did not come home and when Jenny was born he did not have any contact with her. Jenny was always the one who wanted to talk to Grey but Grey just pushes them away. Jenny was so happy at Grey had spoken to her even if he spoke to her a word. Jeff hug his brother and says,

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