Chapter 10 - Nightmare & the Song

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Joyce slam the door of the car close, Toni look at her mother angrily why can't she understand why Toni does it. Toni dad switches on the engine and starts to drive.

" many times did I tell you!!! Do not fight with them!!!" shouted Joyce. Toni did not respond.

"Honey stops it!!! You know why she did it? She just protecting her friend." Said Mike.

"This is all your fault Mike! How many time did I told you not to teach her how to fight. Now she thinks she is a gangster in her school fighting with everyone."

"How can this be my fault? I taught her how to defense herself and her friends. What wrong with that?" shouted Mike to Joyce. Toni at the back seat covers her ears.

"If you don't teach her....we would not be going to her school every now and then to just to see her teacher and being look down upon!!" shout Joyce when suddenly a bright light flash at the right side of the car. Everyone look at it and within second they car was being bang into another car. The moment Toni heard the bang sound, Toni suddenly wake up from her dream. Her body was wet with all the sweat running down her body. It has been 5 years since the accident, but she always have the dream. It was her fault that her parents died that night. If they have not seen the teacher about the fight, they would still be alive.

Toni got down from her bed and walk out of her bedroom. She felt thirsty, she walk into the kitchen. Took out cold water from the fridge and drink it. That dream she had always felt the dream was real.

"Mum...Dad I'm sorry." She said to herself. She put the cold water back to the fridge and walk back to her room when she heard some shouting noise from Grey room which was the opposite side from her room.

She walk towards Grey room and the shouting became louder and louder. She places her ears at the door and heard,

" away from her...Go!!!Don't...Please....DON'T...!!!" scream Grey. Toni wanted to open the door but Grey had locked the door from inside and she was not able to open it.

"Grey wake up...Grey... are you alright?" shout Toni. But Grey did not stop screaming. Toni did not know what to do. She then remember when she had bad dream when she was young her mother always sing for her. Toni sat down near the door.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me." As Tonisings, Grey stop dreaming and his bad nightmare slowly fade away. For the firsttime ever, Grey manages to sleep that night in peace while Toni slept outsidehis room. 

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