Chapter 23 - McCall Family Gathering

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Yes we will be coming!!" said Toni.

"That great, I'll inform Alice to make more food. Thank you Toni." said Mr. McCall who was very happy with the reply.

"No sir thanks you. We'll be there."

"We see you then." said Mr. McCall while they disconnect the call. Toni look up Grey who was not angry that she agree with the reply.

"You're not angry?" said Toni.

"Nope...why should I? I'm not going, you are going there yourselves right?" said Grey.

"No we are going together!" said Toni.


"Okay...I 'm going with Carl and Jack. I will tell you dad that you don't want to come. Casper!!!" said Toni while she walks back to the kitchen.

"And one more thing...this thing between us I would like to discontinue it!!" said Toni again.

"What!!!" said Grey, he get down from the table and walk to Toni and pull her to the fridge and stood very close in front of her.

"Yeah...since you don't want to listen!!" said Toni being playfully, as she wanted to push him away but Grey push her back at the fridge and says,

"I am not playing. I crazy about you, I can't let you go now!" Grey look at her seriously more serious that he ever is.

"Then why can't you listen to me when it about your family. He just wants to spend more time with you!" said Toni.

"I don't want to disappoint him any further. He keeps telling me to stop looking for that person who I want to find badly." said Grey.

"Grey he worry about you. The person you are looking for it not just any criminal but he might be a serial killer for all we know. He has lost his wife; I don't think he want to lose you too. Understand him and slowly make him understand you." said Toni while her hand reaches up his cheek. Grey could not fight her, what she said make sense and his heart did not want to fight her even worse lose her. He looks down and says,

"Fine!!! I'll go happy!!"

"Oh...trying to make me feel bad!!!"

"No...I'll do anything for you!!"

"But I need you to do this for you! "said Toni.

"I try my best but if he still can't accept my decision that I can't do anything." said Grey.

"I understand." said Toni. Grey place his right hand against the fridge, he look down at Toni with his left hand placing at Toni's left cheek. He gently kiss her fore head, slowly went down to her right cheek before pressing his lips against her. Toni slowly response his passionate kiss just like his heart throb beating so does Toni.

That weekend.

Once he park his car at the entrance of the mansion, Alice was waiting for them. They got down from the car, Alice hug Toni and says,

"How's the road?"

"It's alright." said Toni.

"How are you Casper?" said Alice while looking at her step son.

"Fine! How's Jenny in London?" reply Grey.

"She's good. She's trying to fit in." said Alice happily as that was the first time that they talk.

"Come on everyone is at the back." said Alice while she lead the way to the back garden.

"Your dad is doing BBQ. "said Alice while waiting for Grey response but he just kept walking. Toni notice how Alice was waiting for him to reply.

"That great...I can't wait to eat. It must be delicious!! Is that right Grey?" said Toni while she hold his hand. Grey look at her and smile at her.

When they reach the back garden, Toni and Grey was surprise to see Mr. Johnson and his family was there.

"Toni!!!" shouted Carl who saw her walking in with Grey while waving his hand towards her. Toni wave back and run towards Carl and hug him. Immediately Grey became jealous. He walk closer to them and pull Toni from their hug. Carl look at him and immediately he knew that they have become an item.

"Oh...are you guys a thing now?" said Carl while pointing his finger at Toni and Grey. Grey pull Toni closer towards him and says,

"Yes...and that mean hug her again you're dead!" threaten Grey. Toni shake her head while Carl swallow his saliva.

"Toni!!!" said Mrs. Johnson while Mr. Johnson and her walk towards them.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson!!" said Toni while Mrs. Johnson hug her.

"Call me mum!" said Mrs. Johnson.

"And I'm dad!!" said Mr. Johnson while he look at Toni.

"I'm sorry, I have not got use to it!" said Toni.

"Get use to it. Do you know what the best way to get use to it?" said Mr. Johnson.

All of them look at him and he says,

"To stay with us. If you stay with us then you get use to it easily!" said Mr. Johnson.

"That is a good idea! I always wanted to have a daughter, if you stay with us I can do all the thing that I want with a daughter." said Mrs. Johnson. Grey look at Toni and slowly pull her away from them.

"Excuse us let me look for my dad with Toni!" said while they walk towards Mr. McCall.

"He's jealous!!" whisper Carl to his parents making them laugh at him.

Grey pull Toni to Richard who was BBQ beef patty while his butler help him with the bun making hamburger.

"Welcome son!!! I'm so happy that you come today!" said Richard while he hug Grey and Toni. He then let go and says,

"Thank you for bringing him here."

"No problem Mr. McCall." said Toni.

"Call me Richard." said Richard. Toni just smile.

"What's the occasion dad?" said Grey.

"Oh...nothing special. I wanted to spent time with my family and my closet friend just like we did before remember. We always have gathering during the week ends" said Richard has his eyes start to be watery remembering the good old time when his wife when she was still alive. Grey felt the same pain that his father felt.

"Is Mr. Johnson is your close friend?" said Toni trying to change the topic. Richard smile and went back to BBQ his beef patty.

"He is my oldest and closet friend. I understand from Adam that you guys and Carl are friend in school?" said Richard.

"Yes!" said Toni.

"No!" said Grey together. Richard smile and turn to his butler and says,

"That funny!!" Butler just smile at his master. Grey look at Toni while Toni look at him.

"We finally met last week at a convention and since we have not met I invite him too. And Casper you have met my brother Phil and his family, my business partner Martin and his wife and Timothy Alice brother." said Richard while he point to them.

"Yes I remember." said Grey. Alice walk towards them and says,

"The table is ready. Richard is the burger ready?"

"Ready!!!!" Come on let go to the table!!!We can start." said Richard while he and Alice walk towards the big table which had been ready with a lot of food that the maid had prepared.

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