(Drawing) Artist Shoutouts

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OK, So I have to give some people shoutouts for being great artists. No ranks because you all are great!
DubstepQueen27 Check out her art books! They're amazing!

RavenClaw_K  Awesome! I have serval of her works and they're so cool! Also here's the eye so you'll always have it!

RavenClaw_K  Awesome! I have serval of her works and they're so cool! Also here's the eye so you'll always have it!

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Fluffykitten909 Read her warriors book! One of her works is in it!
TheSpicyKitty You do some pretty cool works!

Cheerfulcomet Thanks for the pic and great job on your background!

PinkyDotCake  Read her drawing book! Really great job!

JesRainbow Good job on making covers! Can't wait to see more!

hauntingsunshine14 While your art book is discontinued, You still did some pretty great art!

Rebecca Sugar  Never stop making Steven Universe! You've been working hard for the Steven Bomb 5 and I can't wait to see it!

Mary Grand'pre You illustrated all 7 of the Harry Potter books and showed lots of imagination and creativity while doing it

Tim Burton You guys knew I was going to put him! Anyways, You made some great movies based off of your childhood drawings.

Addison Your Unicornia - Galaxy will live forever!

Mrs.Vilia You inspired me to draw. Not care how it turns out, but to show my potential and Determination.

Brad  Our 5 Nights At Freddy's Plans will get you that skyscraper! With ideas for ideas of ideas for ideas of ideas for ideas of ideas and on and on

Ms. O'Neil You are a great artist and if foxes are what you really want to do then do them!

Mrs. Rempfer You do a great job at being you! Do what you want and don't ever stop!

Mrs.Heartless Finally, a teacher that's a fan of Tim Burton and colourful!

Natalie Keep drawing Anime

Pete Doctor You made the 2nd Digitally Animated film! Keep Going!

And Finally... To all of you
Never Stop drawing! If you have a talent,potential, and determination, Then just draw! Don't strive to be the best because there is no best! The only way to improve your work is by making it more you! In the words of Tim Burton "If you want to draw,DRAW!" It only has to be good in your eyes. We need art, no matter how it looks. RavenClaw_K I know you hate this. But the earth without Art is just Eh! So no matter what type of art you do music, writing, painting, drawing, singing, dancing, photography, anything! Show your passion! If you love something set it free, let your potential out. It's OK if you make a mistake. Mistakes are just one step closer. Some people think that this is just to make people feel better about their terrible art! But no art is terrible. As long as it's good in the creators eyes.

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