" Oh sure, I'll tell your hyung as soon as he wakes up" She smiled at Jungkook

" Thank you" He bowed before leaving the Milk Shop then he started walking to the subdivision nearby where all those rich people live

House after house, he placed a bottle of milk. Until he reached the last house, the biggest one of them all

" One day, I'll buy my mom a house bigger than this" He talked to himself

He walked up to the door to place the last bottle of milk at the doorstep but before he could actually place the bottle down, the door swung open, revealing a beautiful lady wearing her pajamas

" You're here again??" She said sounding annoyed as always but Jungkook just smiled at her

" Good morning to you too, Ms. Lee" He greeted

" 4:15 . . . Why are you up this early, Halla??" He asked

" It's none of your business. And!! You can't call me by my name so casually!! Don't you know the word 'respect'?? She said crossing her arms

" Haha. . . You're pretty funny" He said after chuckling quite a bit

" Why are you here again?? I told you to not come here" She seems to be getting really annoyed

" I'm here to deliver you this nice, fresh bottle of milk" He said looking like an endorser of milk

" How many times do I have to tell you?!! I don't want your milk and I don't even like your milk?!!" She shouted

" Well. . . It was very nice talking to you Ms. Halla" Jungkook said smiling before he began walking away

" Yah!! I'm not -----" Halla shouted

" By the way, you look cute in your pj's" Jungkook looked back at her and winked then he started walking again

Halla was surprised by what he said, she blinked twice, and admit it. She blushed. She only stared at Jungkook's figure as he disappeare


Jungkook started walking to his school after he delivered all of those milks. He hummed some song and started kicking some small rocks on the way to fight boredom

" It's only 6:35, I still have time for breakfast. . . But I don't have money" Jungkook talked to himself

Jungkook just ignored his hunger because money is not on his side right now. He continued walking until he reached the school gates, walking alone in the hallways always happens to him because he's ' too early' .

He headed to his locker to get his books and other stuffs for school, some of them are really nerdy stuff but don't worry, Jungkook's not a nerd

When Jungkook was about to head to his classroom, he heard some noises. . . more like shoutings, coming from one of the school's vacant rooms

" What the hell is wrong with your brain?!! Can't you understand simple Math?!! You shouldn't be studying at all!!" He heard a man's voice as he walked closer to the said room

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