This Scent

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Chapter 4


"Augustus! You are thinking foolishly. You cannot leave the pack. You do not belong in the world of the humans!" My grandfather Alphonse says to me.

"He is right Augie," My best friend Gregory says next.

"I'm not have this discussion again. I'm moving out. I have to make something of what's left of my life." I say to them both.

I could see the look on my grandfather's eyes. They were filled with sadness. Gregory's, on the other hand, was filled with anger.

"Your being a stubborn child Augustus! You are meant to lead us, taking your rightful place as the Alpha of the Hollow Nights Pack." Hearing those words was like getting stabbed in the heart.

"Have you for gotten what I am Gregory?" I ask him. With my anger getting the better of me.

"Augie, I know what you've become. You shouldn't let this change your destiny..." He says to me.

He just looks at me not understanding what it is like, but how would he. He still has his wolf. I look at my grandfather, like Gregory, he just doesn't understand.

"I am no longer a werewolf, and I have no right to the title of Alpha. I am a lost one now and forever." Saying that as I walk out of the room.

As I make my way through the house, I could see everyone staring at me. I could see the pity in their eyes. I hate seeing those looks in their eyes. It's one of the reasons that I am moving out of here.

I've already found an apartment in the next city, away from the pack, well, not just the pack but all werewolves. Once I enter my room, I lay down on my bed closing my eyes and letting my dreams take me, I just want to get out of here, to forget what I lost, even though I am surrounded by my family, I've never felt so alone before.

I was brought back to reality when I heard the sound of smashing glass, I jump right out of bed and out the door. I could hear somebody yelling at someone, calling them an idiot and clumsy. Once I make it around the corner, I could see Xavier yelling at Melissa, one of the omegas, looking at the shattered vase on the ground, with water everywhere, and the rhododendrons scattered.

"What are you, a moron." Xavier says to her. I could see the arrogance in his eyes, the hatred he has for Melissa.

"I, I, I'm ssorryyy." I could see her trying so hard to speak.

"Your sorry! Well, you're not sorry enough." He said.

Well, I've had enough of this. I step out letting he see me, but when he saw me, he just smirked. He wasn't afraid of me, well, not anymore.

"Leave her alone Xavier." I say as my arms crossed over my chest.

I try not to show my fear, but it wasn't easy.

"Well, look who showed up, The would-be king." He says.

Yeah he's not scared of me. However, I will not let him hurt Melissa. She looks at me just made me sink into a deeper despair. She felt sorry for me, the omega of the pack. I could see in her eyes that she like the other. Xavier starts walk towards me. I could see the evil grin on his face, I could only guess what he was thinking.

Then Cynthia appeared, making Xavier stop right in his tracks.

"What is going on Augie?" Cynthia asked me. She didn't even look his way, she was looking at me and me alone.

"Nothing." I say to her.

She then looks over at Melissa and sees the mess on the floor. Then she looks at Xavier and I have never seen someone turn pale so fast.

"Xavier, go get the dust pan and clean up the mess." She says.

I could see the anger in his eyes as she finished the last sentence, but he couldn't do anymore, not with Cynthia standing here. So he leaves and it is just us, I walked over to Melissa kneeling down to help her up, but then she scurried away for me, I could see the fear in her eyes. No not fear that I was going to hurt her, no she was afraid that she would end up like me a lost one.

"Melissa, I think Jenny needs help in the kitchen." Cynthia says to her. Melissa then gets up and takes off down the hall.

"Augie, don't take it to heart. She doesn't know that it's not a disease." Cynthia tries to comfort me. How ever it was not working.

This is why I need to leave, either they pity me, or fear me. Then their are the ones like Xavier, who want to kill me. How can I lead them if they don't see me as the Alpha?

"Thank you Cynthia, if you didn't show up." I knew that Xavier was going to kill me. Hoping that he would be able to become the next Alpha of the Hollow Nights Pack.

"You don't need to thank me Augie." She says to me.

I stand up and start walking back to my room, but Cynthia grabs my arm stops me, I look at her trying to figure out what is going on, finally she lets out a sigh and that's when I realize that she was trying to telepathically communicate with me. Did she for get that once I became a lost one, that I lost all my powers.

"Your grandfather wants to see you."

I just shake my head, I'm not having another argument with him or Gregory again. So I try to pull my arm free, but to no avail with her werewolf strength, I was going nowhere.

"Cynthia, will you please let me go, I'm not in the mood to being yelled at again, and told that I'm being a stubborn child, or how foolish I'm being." I say.

However she still won't let go of my arm.

"He doesn't won't to argue with you, he needs you to escort a new vampire to Rosalie." She says to me.

What, he wants me to escort a vampire to Rosalie, seriously, I don't want to go. However I know that Rosalie will take it as an insult. So I nod my head and head to my grandfathers office.

As I make my way down the stairs, and down the hall towards his office. I catch a familiar scent, wait two scents, one being Sammy's. The other I can't quite put my finger on it, I open up the door walking in.

"Yes grandfather, what do you need my help with?" As I enter her scent fills my nose.

"Augie" She say.

Our eyes locked in a staring contest, but I couldn't help it as I stared into her red amber eyes. with her wavy dark brown hair.

"Beatrix," was all that I could think to say.

I can't believe it, is this a dream, or is she finally back. However as I look in to her eyes I remember, she is a vampire now. 

End of Chapter

Hey its been awhile for this book, sorry for that but I've been working hard on Nature's trying to to re-edit it. So what do you think of this chapter, you get to see Augie's life a little bit and what do you guys think of Xavier? The next chapter will be in Augie's pov. However before that chapter I'm going to work on in plain sight, so after I publish that chapter I'll get to work on this one. Ok that all for now please comment and vote till next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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