Coming Home

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Chapter 1


  What is heart break, I've always wondered that, but I never thought that I would ever go through it. When I met him, he promised me eternal love, that I was his everything, the other half of his soul. That's why I can't believe that we're over, I don't know what happened.

Flash back a week ago

What can I say baby, I've had my fun." He says to me. How could he say it so coldly, like what we had was nothing to him?

"But but Sebastian you said that I was your soul mate, that you were so happy to have finally found me, after 500 years of your immortal life." I say to him, he starts chuckling.

"You know, I still can't believe that line worked on you, you just give it up so easy after I said that." Sebastian says. As I feel this pain stabbing me in my chest with each word he says to me.

"Your telling that is was all fake?" I'm trying not to cry, but it's so hard not to. I look into his eyes, I can see that he is taking pleasure in hurting me.

"Well, your orgasms weren't fake. But yes the rest was." He says as he is laughing at me. I couldn't believe this; this had to be a nightmare, yes that's what it is.

"No it's not a nightmare Bee. Now could you leave, I've got a new girl coming over." As I'm looking at him all that I can think it who is this standing in front of me, it's not the man who owns my heart. No this is a monster who stolen my heart.

"I let you turn me; into a vampire, you promised me eternal love."

"What can I say, I wanted to dig the knife in deeper." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, like I was just worthless to him, once that pops into my head I could feel my anger raising as I think about all the things I let him do to me!

I didn't even realize what I had done, but I didn't care I wanted to hurt him like how he was hurting me. As I charge at him picking up a candlestick swing it at him, he didn't see it coming, and once it made contact, I smirking, but that didn't last long, once he grabs me by the throat, and throws me right through a wall and then I hit the ground so hard that it knocks the wind out of me.

"You know, I would've let you leave without a mark, but since you had to be a bitch, I guess I should teach you a lesson, the older you are the stronger you are." Was all he said with an evil look in his eyes.

End of Flash back

I'm shivering at the thought of what he did to me, I can't believe I didn't see the monster he was, I guess I was too caught up in the whole; he was a vampire, that I just didn't want to see the real him.

Now I just want to forget him, so I'm heading home with my head down. my cousin Sammy tried to warn me about Sebastian, but I wasn't having it. I cut my ties to my family, for him. I don't know if my family will ever forgive me. Right now, I don't care I need family and friends, once I thought about my friends one of them pops on in my head Augie, I wonder how he is doing?

Augie, my best in the whole world, when we we're younger, you couldn't separate un from each other. Thinking about him, I hope that he finally got that girl, he had been pinning for since we we're kids, I never got her name, I just know she was his world, all I thought was that she was a lucky girl, that there was nothing Augie wouldn't do for her, but he was way too shy to tell her how he felt, telling me that he didn't think he stood a chance at winning her heart, I told him that he was crazy, that there is no girl on earth that wouldn't want to be with him. He had the biggest grin on his face. I was quite proud of myself that day; it was the last day I saw Augie before I left with the monster. I hope Augie finally told her and that he is truly happy with her.

I guess I was really lost in my thoughts. Because I didn't even realize that the bus had pulled in to the station; I get off and look up in to the sky, it looks like the sun is about to raise, I'd better get going to Sammy's and beg her to invite me in to her house.

I start moving quickly, of at least quickly fr a vampire; I make it to Sammy's in record time. I just stand there looking at her house. It's still the best looking house on the block. I'm so nervous, wondering what she might say to me, does she hate me, tell me to go to hell, I wouldn't blame her. I hurt her when she was trying to save me from Sebastian.

I just didn't want to listen to her or anybody. Well, I know I can't just stand here, the sun is about to rise soon, so I get up the courage and make my way up her stairs, I raise one of my shaking hands and knock on her door. I know it's early but Sammy will be up at this hour, getting ready for the day. Her front door opens up and standing there is Sammy as she just looks at me.

"Well, I guess you finally came to your senses with Sebastian." Was all she said and I just broke down crying. She didn't even hesitate to invite me in, once I walk in to her house, I tell her ever thing, she doesn't seemed shocked, but I didn't tell her the last thing he did, no I will never tell anybody.

I couldn't believe it; she had forgiven me, but she told me that I had to earn her trust again. All I thought was that I'll prove to her that she can trust me. She had took me to a room so I could get some sleep until the sun goes down, while she went out. Now all I had we're my thoughts running around inside my head, and the only thing that I focused on was this.

I Beatrix Mitchell am a vampire, cursed to live forever, with my broken heart, and I never felt so lost in this world.

End of chapter 1

Ok chapter one and here is Beatrix's pov well what do you think of her, I know it's short to but I wanted to give you guy a little background for both Augustus and Beatrix's. The next chapter will be longer but I'm still proud of this chapter. Well since I got two chapter's up I'm planning now to work on the next two chapters for Nature's. Once I've finished those two then I'm make two more for this one as well. Well hopefully that is will see. OK thanks for reading if you could please vote and comment till next time.


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