Wait who?

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Chapter 2


   As I'm laying on the bed, I can hear Sammy yelling at me, telling me that it is time to get up. I just pretend that I can't hear her, but that doesn't stop her from bursting through the door, then ripping the covers off me.

"It's time to get up Trix." She says to me.

"Five more minutes please mom," I say in a pleading tone.

"I'm not your mom. I'm your cousin. You've slept long enough now get up." I can hear how irritated she is with me. I chuckle a little at her.

"Yeah but the sun is still up. Did you forget I'm a vampire; we can't walk in the daylight." I say back to her.

"Oh no you don't. You can't use that as an excuse, I know full well that you can stand in the sun for a while before you burst in to flames." Oh yeah I forgot she knows more about the supernatural would them me. See Sammy is a shaman, which means she is a person who can communicate with the spirit world. She basically helps keep the supernatural world in balance with the human world. So she would know that a younger vampire will have a much stronger resistance to the sun, the older you get the more of your resistance you lose.

"Now get your butt up. I've got food up stars for you." She says to me, I jump right up.

"Like what?" I ask her.

"What else but your favorite dinner," Once she says that I know what it is.

"You mean it's, Mr. Pang's chow mein," I say to her then she just nods her head.

I jump right out of bed running straight up the stairs for my food. I know what your think, hey didn't you say you're a vampire; yes, I did but that doesn't mean that I don't still need to eat food. I mean yes I need blood, but that just sustains my vampire blood. Not my body so I still need to eat real food. Plus I love Mr. Pang's chow mein. It is amazing plus his place it still the best Chinese food restaurant in this small town.

"Wow, it's a good thing I order a third meal for myself." I didn't realize how fast I woofed down the food.

"Yeah sorry, it's just been a while since I at like this." I say back to her. I'm in heaven with this food. She just nods her head, and taking the seat next to me eating her food. We ate in silence for a good bit, that is until Sammy decided it was time to tell me something.

"OK, Trix once your done eating, we've got to go and see the werewolves." I stopped midway between my bowl and mouth. What did she just say about werewolves?

"What! Why do I need to go and see the werewolves?" I asked speaking really fast.

"Well, you did just trespass in to they're territory." She says to me.

"Wait what, how did I trespass in to they're territory?" I asked her.

"Trix this whole town is they're territory." When she said that I started to freak out.

"No, I mean, wait if this is werewolf territory, then how come Sebastian was living here then?" I asked her, it didn't make sense.

"He had their permission to live here." She says to me.

Now I'm shaking a little, I had never met a werewolf, and from the movies and books, they are enemies to vampires. Will they kill me, for trespassing?

"Trix, it's ok they're not going to hurt you. PLus we both know a particular werewolf who will help you out." she says. Trying to calm my nerves down. Wait did she just say we know a werewolf, who?

"Wait I know a werewolf?" She looks at me and then a smirk appears on her face.

"Well who is it?" I ask her, but that smirk is still there.

"That my dear cousin is a surprise for you." She says to me. Great I hate surprises and she knows it, but once she gets it in her head, there is no changing it.

"Fine then, but I need to take a shower before I go. Oh do you have anything that I can borrow to wear then?" I say to her. IF I'm going to be meeting werewolves to day, then I want to make sure I look ok.

"Yeah just pick whatever you want." she says to me. As I'm running up the stairs, heading to Sammy's room walking into her closet, looking at Sammy's stuff trying to pick something out, but nothing really caught my eye truthfully, that is until I saw this light bluish grey sundress hanging there. I was so shocked to see this in Sammy's closet. She never been the girly girl type; she is more of the tom boy type. I picked it up holding it to myself, looking at myself in the mirror inside the closet.

"That des look good on you." I jumped in fright, looking behind me to see Sammy laughing her butt off.

"What's so funny!? I ask. With her still laughing too hard to answer me. I hang the dress back up and grab a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue shirt, then I walk right past her going into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, and now I just finishing drying my hair off, then I reach for the clothes, but they are going, and instead the sundress is hanging there.

"Put it on scarred-cat." I hear Sammy on the other side of the dorr, there are some days I hate her but there are more days where I love her. I put on the dress then fix my hair and then add a light make-up. I take one last look, and think to myself of how good I look. I then walk out of the bathroom and make my way down stairs, where Sammy is waiting.

"Ok I'm ready, lets go meet the werewolves." I say to her. As we walk out the front door and getting in to her car. Even though I scared to meet real werewolves, I can't keep wondering, who is the werewolf is that I know, it is driving me crazy not knowing, and Sammy is loving this way too much.

End of Chapter 2 

Well here's chapter two, I know it's short too, but I felt like this one should be short as well. Well what do you think I've revealed a little more about my vampires and what Sammy is in the Supernatural world. Ok the next chapter will be from Beatrix's pov but a certain werewolf will make an appearance in chapter 3. Ok that's all please comment and vote till next time.


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