It's you!

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Chapter 3


As we are driving to the pack house, as my cousin calls it, my mind keeps wondering who it is that I know that is a werewolf, I know what your thinking my cousin is a shaman and my ex-boyfriend is a vampire. How could've not known that one of my friends was a werewolf, well, the truth being that I before my ex, I didn't know that supernatural beings existed. Now I find out that the town I grew up in is werewolf territory.

"So does anybody come to mind?" Sammy ask me. I could see the smirk on her face. She knows who the werewolf is, and she is just being a child by not telling me.

"No." I say back to her.

"Well, then you'll be in for a shock of a life time then." She says back to me.

Yeah right, nothing really shocks me. I look a head to see this amazing looking mansion surrounded by the forest.

"Wow." was all I could say. While I look at this magnificent place, I would definitely believe that werewolves live it.

The whole place was made of wood. Making it look like a log cabin, except it is huge. As I'm looking at it, I could feel the warmth and love that's coming off of it. Sammy pulls up to the gate and I see this enormous man walking up to the car. Wow if this is what werewolves look like when they are in their human form, then just wow this guy is super hot.

"Hello there Samantha, it's been a while." Says the man.

"Yes Carl it has been; I have an appointment with the Alpha." Sammy says to the guy named Carl.

"Yes I heard, so this is the baby vampire then huh?" Once he said that I kind of felt a little offended by his comment.

"Yes this is my cousin Beatrix." He looks right at me, and it was making me a little uncomfortable.

"OK, then can pull on through then." He says waving to someone then the gate opened.

We make are way down the driveway parking in front of a small stone fence. I open the door hopping out of the car, once I dod that I ca hear children playing and laughing, I was in awe watching the way they are, then the stupid wind blew making my hair fly in front of my face. Once the wind dead down, Then I realize that it just went quite, I look up to see that the children have stopped playing and are looking at me, then I could see the adults watching them and also watching me, like they thought that I was going to hurt the children.

"Don't worry Trix, they just haven't seen a vampire this near the house in a long time." Sammy says to me. Then she grabs my hand leading me to the giant doors. Once we we're close enough the door opens before we could knock.

"Well hello Matilda." A young girl being no older then 12 standing there with a big grin plastered on her face.

"Sammy! You're here!" Matilda starts jumping up and down with excitement, looking at this girl I bet she is a handful, then she looks at me, and the smile vanishes.

"Oh Matilda this is my cousin Beatrix." Sammy says to the girl. She just looks at me like she is trying to figure something out.

"Why does she smell funny?" Once she says that I instinctively sniffed myself.

"Matilda! Now that was rude." Sammy says to her. I could see she was sorry for what she said to me.

"I'm sorry." She says to me.

"Your apology is accepted." I say to her. That lights up her face, then I hear someone calling out for her, it was one of the children outside.

"Sorry I've got to be going now." She says. Running right past us and joining her friends. I watch her talking to them and laughing; she seemed like a sweet girl, but I started wondering what she meant by that I smelled funny?

"She could smell death on you." Sammy says to me.

Wait did she say death?

"What do you mean, she could smell death on me?" I asked her.

"That's a question for another day, oh here comes Gregory the beta of the pack. Now remember this don't look him or the alpha directly in the eyes." She says to me.

"Why?" I asked back.

Looking at him, I could see he was like the guard outside. Being huge and super hot with his blonde hair and brown eyes. Even so, unlike the guard outside Gregory looked to be age as me and Sammy.

"Because they take that as a challenge. Remember they are not the only predators in this house, you being the other one." She says to me.

"Samantha, it is good to see you." Gregory say to her.

"Yes it is good to see you as well Gregory." She says back to him.

"OK the alpha is in his office right now; you choose a bad day to bring your vampire cousin." He leads us down a large hallway. I listening as Sammy was asking Gregory what was going on, I couldn't help but wonder why this is a bad day.

'He's still moving out!" I looked right at Sammy once she yelled that.

"Yes he is being stubborn child. I swear he may be my best friend but there are some days I hate." Sammy puts her hand over his mouth.

"Don't say his name, it's going to be a surprise for her." Sammy says pointing to me.

"Oh so this is her then huh?" He says back to her.

"Yep." Was all she said. I'm getting pissed off, but as I'm about to say something. We stop right in front of an office door, with gold letters that say Alpha's Office. As I'm staring at the door, a booming voice tells us to enter! Gregory opens the door for us and lets me and Sammy walk in first, he then follows us in and closes the door.

"Sammy, it is so nice to see you. I just wish that is was on a better day." This older man says.

I can't take my eyes off of him. You could feel the power he had, just standing there. He walks over to Sammy and gives her a hug, then once I see him standing next to Gregory, wow he makes him look short, once he is done hugging Sammy, he looks at me with those bright blue eyes of his.

"So you must be Beatrix then huh, well it is a pleasure to meet you." He says as he pulls me into a hug, man this is not what I was expecting from werewolves.

'It's nice to meet you as well Alpha." I say to him as he puts me back down.

"Oh please child, just call me Al." I look at him really, then he starts laughing.

"Sorry Al is short for Alphonse, not Alpha." He says to me. Then everybody starts laughing. I didn't think that it was that funny but what do I know.

"Please take a seat." Al says as he walks around his desk taking his seat as we do the same.

"So are you looking to stay permanently, or are you just visiting?" He asks me.

"Permanently sir." I answer him back, he gives me a frown.

"Sorry Al." I say, which puts a smile on his face.

"Well, I think that will be alright then. I mean Sammy vouches for you, plus there is my grandson, who will be quite pleased to see you again. He should be on his way here right now," He says to us. So his grandson, is the werewolf I know?

This is driving me crazy not knowing who he is, but by the looks on everybody's faces says that they are enjoying this way to much. I was about to say something but then the door opens up.

"Yes grandfather, what do you need my help with?" I hear a voice I haven't heard in so long, then once our eyes lock on to each other, his violet-blue eyes.


End of Chapter 3

Well here is chapter 3 and Beatrix finally learns who the werewolf is. The picture above is the pack house. Ok the next chapter will be from Augustus's pov but I won't be working on it tell I've finished chapter 22 and 23 of Nature's. Ok guys that's it for now please comment and vote till next time.


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