Chapter 24.

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We decided that we'd tell Tom about the pregnancy when we were already in London. The dinner didn't leave any space for that kind of topic.

Tom still tried to make me stay in a sweet way and I liked that, I had missed the love of a father. I had missed to be his little princess and I want  my little one to feel that love that I felt with both my mom and dad.

Judy and I have managed to stay out of Cindy's way even going to see Georgia we did it without her knowing. She clearly hated me but as today being my last day here with my family and loved ones it meant that I had to see her at the table. I couldn't stop the tears that feel to my powdered checks as I got ready for the last dinner here.

Will insisted on having  one before we go saying that it was a way to thank everyone that supported him and us.

I looked at my black empire waist long dress after drying out the tears that had betrayed my stay strong mantra and loved it. Only a few could pick out my growing tummy. I didn't want another drama at the restaurant.

"Are you done?" Will asked peering through the door like a little kid. His voice always did things to me.

He opened​ and walked to me hugging me from behind and I let my head fall on his chest, "Yes I am done."

He gently rubbed my belly while his cologne intoxicated my nose trills. I loved this man. My everything.

"We are leaving tomorrow." He whispered in my ear as we did a small swing to a music that only existed in our hearts.

"I know," I kissed his cheek. "He cant wait to get away from Cindy."


Suddenly my words got stuck in my throat and my eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets.

"Is it a he? I am voting for a she."

"It just came out."

Will kissed the back of my head and the tension that was on my shoulders melted away.

We danced for a few more seconds before he turned me around to kiss my forehead. "Are you ready?"

"To see everyone including your uncle and Cindy? Nope I am not ready." I said picking my clutch bag that completed the whole look. "Why did we get a room for the night in the most expensive hotel?" I joined Will who was waiting g for me by the door.

"Because tonight we are celebrating." He smiled closing the door behind us.

We walked through the golden decor hallway to the elevator that seemed to be eating for us. His hands held mine as we wanted for the doors to close up.

He pressed the rooftop, "Why are we going to the rooftop. Dinner is downstairs."

"Just shoosh and follow me." He smiled making his suit complete. He looked like the men you read in books.

The door chimed revealing the top of building. We stepped out to a chilly breeze but the view was so beautiful. Leave it to Will to look for amazing sites. He took his jacket off and put it on me. He held my hand and I felt like I air was punched out of me.

Was he going to propose..

He led me to the other side of the roof where I saw a helicopter on the helipad. The pilot looked at us approaching and he smiled opening the door for us.

"Mr and Miss." He politely nodded to us as we stepped in the black machine of death. I have never liked helicopters and Will knows because he squeezed my hand and offered me a reassuring smile.

"Where we going? We have a dinner to attend to."

"Everyone knows am taking you to see the city for the last time. I want you to see how beautiful this place looks at night from above." He kissed my hand before strapping us in.

Once he did a check on the seatbelts he gave the pilot a thumbs us and we were airborne. It felt scary being in such a place. Very different and I felt like I was going to hurl my lunch.

"Look to your left." Will whispered in my ear making me open my eyes that I hadn't  realised I had shut and I was out of words. The buildings looked amazingly lit. The cars were perfect in traffic.

I couldn't stop myself from looking around. The city was magnificent. The highest building had different shades of light and it contrasting with the white look of the building took my breath away. The KICC building looked like a crowned queen standing tall. It was a beautiful thing to see.

We flew over the city for five minutes before we made our way to out favourite spot. This time we didn't climb over the fence but landed on the empty field.

"Give us a minute." Will shouted to the pilot who was turning it off. He unstrapped me and helped me out.

He was going to do it. Propose to me on our spot.

We walked to the spot where we used to sit and watch the city from a far.

"I am going to miss this place." Will spoke pulling me away from my nerves.

"Me too."

We didn't utter another word and just stood looking at the beautiful scene in front of us.

He is going to propose right?

He has to do it now. I mean why the hell did he get a helicopter and take us to our spot. He is going to do it.

"Can I ask you something?"

Oh my God he is doing it

"Yes sure." I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach from dancing.

"Can we have our last dance here?"

Not what I expected. "But there is no music?"

He held my hand and pulled me at the waist before I even finished. "Let's just dance."

It felt off to dance to no music in front of someone else but once he started leading away I found myself dancing g with him and I loved it.

We danced for a while before he pulled away and led us back to the helicopter. Not what I had in mind but I still liked it.

On our way back my hand was rested in his and I felt safe. Safer than before. I loved where we were. He didn't propose, I was bummed out but it is fine. "We are almost landing and I want you to look outside one last time." He kissed my palm and my gaze went outside. I looked around the city before my eyes settled on lights that made my heart melt.

Tears welded us in my eyes making it hard to see everything, maybe I was dreaming them but when he utter them I knew it was true.

"Please be my wife." He said in the most distinctive voice.

The same words were written on the side of the building we were before. In floating candle light it was spelt out 'Blake will you marry me?'.

"I looked over to see him holding a ring out for me.

This was happening. He proposed.

"Yes." I said over the tears that were now gashing out. "You made me ruin my make up." I said as he sloped the ring.

"I love you." He whispered to me in my ear when he hugged me .

"I love you too."

ALMOST A  MISSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora