Chapter 16

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the night stand. I picked it up and Judy's name flashed before hanging up. Six missed calls. What's so important at 8:30 in the morning?

A text came in before I had a chance to text her.

Judy:Chris invited me for breakfast so I will be therein 15 and you better be up.

Me: Lol I am already up. See you soon.

Yesterday's memories came back to my head and a little smile escaped my lips. I turned to look at Will who was sound asleep like an angel and I was the happiest woman in the world at the moment. I pulled my naked body out of bed and into the bathroom to empty my bladder before a quick shower.

"Chris is having a big breakfast for us, he even invited Judy." Will had walked into the bathroom, good thing I was done with my shower.

"And if I know my cousin well enough, it isn't just a simple breakfast." He wasn't scared to release himself in front of me. I loved that, confidence in a man.

"So there must be something in plan." I took some toothpaste on my tooth brush.

"If we see the croissants with coffee then yeah there is something else." He kissed my forehead before attacking my lips.

I pulled him away after I found my strength, I have never liked morning breathe, especially mine.

I waited for Will to get ready and we were soon off to the main house. The smell of bacon, eggs and coffee hit out noses the moment we stepped in the house.

"Finally you guys are up, thought I would have to cone for you." Chris said placing a plate of freshly made  croissants on the dinner table. An ohhohh was heard from Will making Chris turn with a death glare in his eyes.

"Ignore him Lakke and come for breakfast, I spent my whole morning trying to impress you so you better eat." He passed us making his way to the main door. "Am sure Judy is here."

"But we didn't hear the door bell." Will called out after Chris who had already disappeared to the main hall. "Looks like we are going to have a long talk." He pointed at the croissants.

"It smells like heaven up in here." Judy came through the door looking all to pretty in her purple pajamas. She hugged everyone then made her way to the table.

"Didn't have time to change?" I took my seat opposite her and Chris.

"No I changed, into this royal color but lazy outfit."

"I think she looks beautiful in the morning." Chris spat out but immediately hated himself for saying it, you could see the redness in his cheeks. Guys blushed?

"Spit it. Why all this?" Will who had was serving giant bowl of everything, he surely ate like a wolf. He was directing the question to Chris who was now burring himself behind his huge coffee mug.

"What do you mean?" Judy interfered out of nowhere.

"So you are in on this?"

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