Chapter 20.

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It has been three weeks since I last talked to Judy on phone. We have been communicating but mostly though texts and it involved me asking how Blake was and she replied with one simple answer fine.

Our fight didn't affect the relationship Chris and Judy had started in fact they were going well. He was always talking to her everyday. Making me envious of them. Blake was always on my mind and not seeing her for a whole month has made me loose it. I can't seem to ficus on anything. Good they are coming back for this semester. I have an excuse to see her. I will do everything to get her to talk to me.

"When are they getting back?" I asked Chris who is busy chatting on his phone with Judy.
"Tonight, they need to move out to a new complex. They need more space."

"More space for what?"

He looked up from his phone for the first time since I started talking to him, "I don't know. Maybe Blake has a new thing in her life that needs space." He shrugged.

He knows something and I know Chris, he won't break that easily. "Where ate they moving to?"

"I don't know. She didn't say where to or when." I could tell the conversation was getting a little bit uncomfortable for him. He placed his phone in his pocket and went to the pool. Definitely avoiding me.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with me thinking if I should show up on Cindy's door  demanding to see Blake or just wait for her in school. I haven't seen her for so long and the urge to see her is so strong and I have to explain everything . I think she has cooled down right now, she has to.

"I am meeting some friends tomorrow at around 11 so you will be home alone." Chris head pooped in my door waking me from my day dream.

"Can't I come with you. I have had enough of staying alone."

"I don't think you will like them . it is the school voting committee. Elections are this semester." He looked like he had planned his answer.

"OK, I never liked those guys actually."

"Mary will be here to make you lunch."

Mary was the woman who made us lunch when Chris nor I  felt like doing it.


I waited till Chris' car pulled from the drive way to get into the cab that I ordered an hour before. He was hiding something and I was sure it had something to do with Blake and Judy.

As I had suspected his car pulled outside Cindy's house and Blake and Judy got in.

Blake had changed. Her hair was a different color, white, and I liked it. It hadn't lost its voluminous body and it had grown a few inches I can tell. Her face didn't hide the fact that she has been tired and my heart broke knowing that I was the cause of it. She had worn a flowery red dira that hid her beautiful legs. I guess she is still having the coast vibe. She held a mason jar on her right hand with what I can only assume to be iced tea. She hated coffee.

I definitely understand Chris for hiding this from me. She requested it.  I know her. She wouldn't want Judy to suffer for because of her and apart from me Chris is the next guy friend she has.

I followed them to her apartment where they had guys parking their belongings in a moving truck. Blake, Judy and Chris followed the track to about five meters to a new complex. The moving guys started in parking stuff to what I assumed was the new apartment. It was definitely buyer than the last one.

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