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Am sorry for changing the story but I feel more connected to lost souls and predictable endings with a bit of a twist.

Am sorry if you have to read this book but if you find it interesting vote vote vote oh and comment!!!


Be strong and don't be too hard on your father.

I heard my mother's voice as the pilot announced to fasten our seat belt; we will be soon landing in Kenya. Those were among the last conversations we had before cancer stole her away from me. She was my best friend and seeing her go through what she went through during her last days couldn't stop a tear from falling, I quickly wiped it as I remembered I had promised her that I was going to be strong for both of us.

It's funny how life can change fast, mom was diagnosed with cancer las year and I won't lie the stress it brought to us was too much, we had to sell the house, my home ,to cater for her treatment and I could see the pain it brought to her and when finally the reality kicked in that her cancer was stage four and she was going to die I had to think of a place that I was going to live. Since I was a minor I had to stay with someone and wait till I turned eighteen , well my friends were out of question since I was all alone when I was taking care of mom and the fact that she had no family apart from me made things even harder. I did have a father; you know the one who owned the sperm and he lived across the world, in Africa.

I still have some memories of him before he left us for Africa, before he found another family and forgot his little princes. The time when he used to take us out and enjoy dinner together as we play silly games and have people stare at us. That one day when I came home from school and was greeted with dad having a suitcase in one hand and a cab waiting for him. His last words were 'you will always be my princes'. Those memories that still burn when I think of him and what he did, he never explained himself and neither did mom tell me anything.

Well that was five years ago and  let's just say the love I had for him faded as time went by but the official death of the love I had for him was when I called  about mom's sickness and he made no effort to even come to see her. Another tear escaped and just like the other one I quickly wiped it.

"Welcome to Kenya, Karibu Kenya." The nice flight attendant smiled at me before handing me packed peanuts as we walked out of the plane. I made my way to the baggage claim and with no time I was done. I looked around and no one was holding up a board with my name on it I proceeded to the waiting bay, to wait.

After what seemed like forever and the bay empty apart from me and airport pamphlets I saw a familiar face. His hair was still the same length but had layers of white hair. He had more wrinkles than I remember and his eyes had lost that spark that they always had. He had gained some weight and looked more relaxed than when he was with us. Maybe life had been good to him. His sweater and khaki pants suited him as he smiled that smile that I had always remembered.

When he reached me he didn't hug me, maybe it was for the best, I don't know how or what my reaction would be if he tried to.

"Princess you have grown."

He smiled again before taking my bags and leading us out of the bay to the parking lot. Something new again, he was putting my bags in the latest range rover sports car I know. I got in and without any other word we were on the highway.

It was dark but the streets were lit up  and that's where I turned my gaze, focusing on the passing trees and people. The fear of how I was going to make it in this new world without my mother crept in again and just as before a tear escaped but I didn't give it a chance to make it completely out as I quickly rubbed it off with the back of my hand.

"Princess are you hungry? We have KFC and I bet it is still your favorite. Do you want to get some?" He had stopped at a red light. It was funny that he still rememberd what I liked but calls this place, his home.

"Tom?" I cringed at calling him by his first name but then again he doesn't deserve the title dad, "I just want a shower and some good rest." I still had my face turned to the window.

After a long and quiet drive we were now driving through what looked like an expensive neighborhood and if my eyes were not deceiving me, I saw a giraffe center somewhere. We pulled up a huge black gate before he hooted and a guard opened the gate. He has a guard? We then parked in front a two storey house with cars stretched along the huge parking lot. When he was getting my bags the front door opened and out came a short woman. She was the same skin color as my mom, dark, but she had shorter hair and a body that didn't hide that fact that she goes to the gym. She looked like those women you see ordering people round, trying really hard to fit in the 'RICH SOCIETY'. Did I say she looks mid-forties?

I pulled myself together and got out of the car and with no time she was ushering me with a hug.
"Oh Blake, I have heard so much about you?" she is English? Or did she live in England for so long. "I am Cindy, welcome to Kenya or as the like to say it karibu Kenya."

She gave me tour of the house that I wasn't interested in even seeing and after a huge kitchen and a couple of rooms down we arrived at the farthest room at the house, I suppose it was my room because my bags were at the door.

"This is your room," she opened the huge room that had space to spare. A king size bed was in the middle with a book shelf near a door that I assume was the bathroom. The walls were white with no hanging picture and the carpet swallowed your feet once you stepped on it. On my right was a study table with an apple desktop.

"I don't need that, I have my own computer." The first word I have said since I stepped in this house.

"I didn't know what to do with the walls so I will leave that decision for you, if you want to change the color it's your choice."

Did she just ignore me? Maybe it is for the best right.

"Honey, she had a long fight why don't we leave her to get some rest." Tom walked up to his wife, I think, and had a his hand on her shoulders. This is definitely going to be a long year for me.

After good nights were exchanged and I was finally given that space that I was yearning for, I took a long shower and changed into my silk pajamas that my mom got me for my 15th birthday, just a year before she got sick and I collapsed in my new bed. A new life, a new house, a new beginning, I don't want it all, I want my mom but life has a way of hitting us in the face doesn't it but it's all for a year. I will go back to Alabama and be with mom.

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