Not human.

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'Here, take the gun, shoot me! hold the damn gun, grip it... there we go... shoot me! shoot me! Oh yes, there are no bullets in that, let me take it... how about this knife... hold on, stop screaming dammit, take the damn knife and stab me! I kidnapped you, I chained you to a wall and I have been starving you and torturing you for days, stab me, kill me and free yourself...

You can't, look at that... It was way to easy to grab that knife out of your hand. You are so pathetic... worthless, shitty human. Why am I doing this to you? I don't know you, I know nothing about you. I don't need money from you, their is no blackmail, no revenge... nothing. You are just a random person I kidnapped so why am I putting you through so much pain? 

It's not just some desire to kill, I am starving you, torturing you... making you feel unimaginable pain and I am feeling nothing... why  is this? I will tell you why... I am not human...

Humans have compassion... even the worst have a shred of it... do you see any compassion on my face? Humans suffer guilt, I feel nothing after putting you through this pain and I will feel nothing when you die. I am not human! 

My uncle, a man I cared for and trusted molested me when I was a child. He used me and did unspeakable things to me. He would tell me that he was sorry, he would say that he hated himself but that he had a sickness and he couldn't stop. One day my mother say the bruises on my body,  I was taken to hospital and my uncle was taken away. In court he looked at me, and I can still remember his words echo in my brain, he said, "I am so sorry for the pain I caused you. I love you and I hope you can forgive me one day. What I did was terrible but I am only human, flawed and I make mistakes."

I am not a human, not like him and not like you... goodbye human.'

Bang. Bang. bang... nothing... 

******What did you think of this one? Quite intense... I think his pain and rage was very human but it pushed him to become a monster... please vote and comment****

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