Mercury X Emerald (Emery)

632 18 7

Oh my...

During their first appearance, at first, the way I viewed their first conversation was that of a couple's or a Mercury in love with the green-haired with nimble hands because of the way he flirted saying 'She wants me'.

The two have grown closer with one another after being recruited by Cinder and they stick to ensure their protection. After being recruited, they displayed great teamwork. Also, they go along with each other well.

During the dance, they sweet danced with eyes locked as if in great focus, making Cinder tap a shoulder more than twice to get their attention. Like woah....

Sure, they maybe in love with each other but haven't taken the step to a relationship yet because of a lot of distracting missions,unless their relationship are mere side-quests.

This couple very much has a chance, I thought Emerald was leaving at Season 3 but apparently not.

This couple very much has a chance, I thought Emerald was leaving at Season 3 but apparently not

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The two minions are still together in Season 4 and it doesn't make sense. They are disgusted with the place Salem was leaving in but they still insist on following Cinder. Doesn't make much sense, if they no like, then no likkee!

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