"Oh I also had another suggestion for the drop." Liam said. "I was thinking that maybe having your back turned to the crowd for first one when you drop and bounce."

"I can tell you right now it's very sexy seeing your ass when your turned around doing a drop." Niall smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay anything else?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking tear away shorts. That way you can wear heels with the performance."   Liam explained.

"Good idea Liam." Zayn smiled.

Harry looked like he wanted to say something but he stayed quiet. "Harry, anything you want to add?" I asked.

"Yeah but I don't know if you want to hear it." He mumbled.

"Cmon Harry, were open for suggestions. We won't judge you for what you say." I encouraged him.

"Okay, well I had an idea about the lap dance. Maybe grinding down as well as the thing you guys did." He explained.

"Would you mind showing me?" I asked. He contemplated for a minute but eventually nodded. I sat down in the chair he was in previously. He straddled my lap looking quite nervous.

"So um kind of like this." He starting moving causing friction between our clothed members. I bit my lip to prevent a moan. "And then the uh hand thing." He grabbed my hands and ran them down his body till I got to his crotch putting my hands there.

Even though my hands were merely placed on his crotch I could feel that he was big. Nine inches at least. "Y-yeah, I like that." I stuttered. Harry nodded and climbed off my lap. "Okay we're going to do the dance but we will add Liam and Harry's changes."

"Let's get started." Zayn smiled. "Liam, Harry, Niall today's your lucky day. The dancers are going to practice their lap dances on you guys."

Niall and Liam smirked but Harry looked uncomfortable. "Harry, do you not want them to?" I asked.

"I'd rather they didn't." He blushed.

"Okay, you can come here and help Zayn and I help them with the dance." I shrugged. Harry nodded and came by my side. "But first let's get you some better clothes to rehearse in. I don't think those jeans and shirt are comfortable to work in."

"They're really not." He chuckled.

"Here you can borrow some of mine." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the rehearsal studio and taking him to Zayn and I's dressing room. I handed him a grey crop top and a pair of black sweat pants.

"A crop top?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's all I have." I shrugged and I took a step closer. "Plus I think it'll make you look sexy." I whispered into his ear. I heard his breath hitch and I smirked knowing the effect I had on him. "Cmon get dressed." I smiled, walking out like nothing happened.

I waited outside the dressing room while Harry changed. He came out and I gaped. I was right, he looked sexy as hell. He looked down with a blush. "I look stupid don't I?"

"No, no. You look hot, very hot." I replied honestly.


"Yeah, you've got a nice little body." I complimented.

"We should get going." He mumbled and I nodded taking him back to the rehearsal studio.

"Alright let's get started." I clapped my hands together. We went through the routine and they seemed to be getting it. Harry had decided that he'd try to do the routine as well, he ended up doing better than most of the professionals which surprised me. By now everyone was dripping with sweat and worn out.

"Let's take a water break." Zayn panted.

"Yeah okay, take five." I yelled and everyone grabbed one of the water bottles that were provided. I grabbed one for myself and one for Harry. I headed over to him, handing him the bottle.

"Thanks." He smiled, taking a sip of his water.

"You're Doing really good out there. Are you some kind of secret stripper?" I smirked and he chuckled.

"No, I've never done anything like this in my life." He blushed.

"Really? If I didn't know any better I would think that you've been doing this for years." I gaped.

"Thanks." He looked away bashfully.

"So Liam said you were coming to the show tonight." I started.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Should I save you a private?" I asked, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Um maybe. You don't have to, if your too busy it's fine." He rambled.

"Harry, I asked because I wanted to give you a private." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh." He blushed.

"Your different then most people. You never seem to get sexual innuendos." I observed.

"Yeah, Niall calls me 'innocent' a lot since I don't get dirty jokes, I don't drink, and I don't swear." He shrugged.

"Really?" I moved closer.

"Yeah." He looked away. "A lot of people think it's just an act but I'm just a really innocent person."


That's when I decided, I wanted to corrupt this boy's innocence.


A/n: oh it's heating up now. So there's rumors flying that Harry will drop his single on the 12 and I really hope he does. Love you xoxo

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