|| Eleven ||

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I knew immediately that my environment had changed from the time that I had fallen asleep to the time I had waken up. The last placed I had fallen asleep in was that hell of a hospital, incredibly sedated. That was all it had been for three days straight. Drugs and disbelief.
Yet now, I seemed to be in what looked like a hotel room.
I looked over disappointingly to spot the detective, Mr. Stevens. My thoughts were painfully conflicting; I'd been too drowsy and hazy to fight for my identity, though I didn't ever think that I could convince him. I didn't know how the hell it happened; I couldn't comprehend how Alex had pulled off completely switching files. Everything.
In Steven's eyes, I was Gina Landon with no exception. The thought made me sick. I'd hardly ever been conscious, keeping it impossible for me to protest and fight it. Even still, I'd been strictly supervised because of my attempts to get to a phone call. Though I couldn't remember distinctly, I'm sure that I had started screaming and shouting at more than a few doctors. I'd been told over and over that my parents had already been called; Gina's parents. Not mine. I glared over at the investigator, but something surprised me. He'd usually greet me by calling me Gina, though he showed no sign of saying it. "Good morning." He nodded plainly.
I smirked hatefully, asking doubtfully, "Am I allowed to make a phone call yet?"
I couldn't help the attitude; I was so, so close to being home and he was keeping me from it. He sighed and drummed his fingers against the table lightly, "Robin and Kyle McAdams have been notified of the situation. They're on a plane now."
"Kyle and Rob-"
I was dumbfounded; completely floored. I didn't even know how I found my voice to keep going, "T-They're coming?"
"Yes Miss. You were given the right to a phone call but you've been heavily sedated for days now."
I wanted to cry. No, I was going to cry. Or laugh.
Or both.
"There will have to be more necessary checks and further investigation of course and-"
"I don't care, I don't care." I rambled, a twinge of excitement in my voice.
I was almost beaming through my tears. It brought such a rush that it made me dizzy but I didn't care; my parents were coming. I was going home. I was getting everything I'd prayed for for the past two months or more. "They really are your parents." He mused, smiling lightly though I realized he hadn't meant to say it aloud.
I was too lost to hear him. My parents were coming. I'd feel my mother wrap her arms around me safely again. I'd see my father smile through his goofy expressions again. He stood up and nodded, "I'll be on my way then."
"W-Wait," I stuttered out, my mood cutting off into immediate alarm, "You're leaving me here?!"
He shook his head, "They're will be an officer guarding the hotel and your room. You'll be safe."
My head spun, making me nauseous as I continued to speak feebly, "T-That's not good enough!"
"It's the best protection that we can offer. You're securely guarded." He stated, walking out of the room before I continued rambling.
My hands shook slightly as I realized that I was alone.
Not alone.
There were police officers guarding the building, my parents were on a plane here at that exact moment. Nothing could break that net of safety, nothing; or so I continued telling myself. I hobbled out to the balcony to catch my breath, incredibly thankful for the more reliable pair of crutches I had been given. I leaned out against the railing as I took quivering breaths, trying to calm myself down. There were dozens, hundreds of possible witnesses here. They'd never do something so risky.
But that's exactly what Alex was.
The thought frightened me and I quickly searched around, looking below me to find, as promised, the police officer. I saw nearly five or six stories high, making it difficult to see but I was fairly certain that he was dressed in uniform. I glanced over the parking lot to find his cruiser parked a few lanes into the parking lot. My eyes wandered to a few cars over, aimlessly gazing when they stopped abruptly.
I recognized that car.
No, I didn't. It was a ridiculous thought; yet paranoia set in anyways. The sleek jet black car was stories below me; I couldn't possibly be sure of what I saw. But I was. I felt myself beginning to hyperventilate at just the thought of Alex or Blake finding me; looking down at the officer for closure and reassurance.
I let out a bloodcurdling scream as there was a crack of a gunshot.
I stumbled back in panic as my tears blinded me, but I had just barely caught a glimpse of the body falling to the ground; lifeless. The figure that had shot the officer was walking calmly into the building.
No amount of adrenaline or fear had ever compared to those moments as I moved as quickly as I could, barging out the door as I started to scream. The other officer looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes, "Are you-"
"He killed him! He killed him!" I sobbed between my panicked breaths.
I looked around frantically; we were directly in the middle of a long hotel hallway, elevators on either end. "Who killed someone?!" He questioned sternly.
I couldn't help the sob that escaped my lips as I began to hyperventilate, spiralling as I completely lost control of my mind. There was a sharp ring, signalling that the elevator doors were opening and I looked over in horror.
I nearly fainted as I saw Alex.
A hand flew to my mouth as I stumbled back, too shocked to scream as I watched him take a step out of the elevator. The officer immediately stood in front of me, questioning but I knew exactly what was about to happen. I screamed at him to stop, not to do it, but another bullet flew through the air and came in contact with the officer's chest. I stumbled back as I screamed out again, sobbing hard enough to take my breath away as I watched a pool of blood form and grow around the man who only looked to be in his late thirties.
Shaking violently, I looked up with tear blurred eyes and made eye contact with the monster that I knew would kill me. His blue eyes were deathly cold and menacing, filled with such bitter hatred that it made me shake more.
Still on crutches, I bolted the other direction on instinct.
I was nauseas and painfully dizzy as I reached the elevator, whirling around in fear that he would start running, or worse, shoot.
He walked so calmly that I couldn't have ever been more terrified of him.
I pushed the button repeatedly, crouching in the corner as hideous sobs racked my body while the elevator began of descend.
By the time the doors opened again, my mind was reeling and I felt so nauseas that I thought I might even pass out. I knew I was going to be sick.
Two lives.
I stumbled out of the elevator, letting out a shriek as I caught a glimpse of the horrific sight in front of me.
He had the receptionist pulled from behind her desk, shouting at her as he pressed the gun against her temple. He took the slightest glance at me and smirked hideously, the woman turning her head to look at me with pleading eyes.
"Blake, don't!"
My shrill screams followed the third gunshot that went off that night. I covered my eyes as the woman fell to the ground with such a finalizing, traumatizing sound that echoed around us.
Crying desperately, I looked up at the dark-haired man while I shook violently. I stared back at the relentless bastard and knew one thing; this would never be over. He'd never let it end.
I jumped as I heard the elevator coming back down, knowing full well that it was Alex about to appear behind me. I looked around, nearly blinded by my panic as I spotted another elevator down the hall.
What would it do?
They'd kill anyone in their path and I recognized it fully. I couldn't let that happen.
"What's going on out there?!"
I felt my blood run cold; eyes snapping towards the hallway. I screamed as Blake aimed his gun, running as fast as I could to push the man back into his room. I knew it'd kill my ankle but the pure adrenaline coursed through me, hardly feeling it. I slammed the door shut behind us, locking it as I backed away sobbing shakily. Questions began pouring out of the man's mouth as I whirled around, realizing it was a couple. I jumped wildly as I heard a bang on the door, nearly falling over but I locked eyes with the man, "Get in the bathroom and lock the door. Now."
He began harassing me with questions though it was out of alarm, not harshness but I shoved passed him towards the phone, shouting at him to hide. He never left the blonde woman's side, clutching onto her hand as she stared at me with horror. The banging continued as I picked up the phone, shaking so hard that I could hardly hold it as I dialled the emergency number. I was frantically stuttering out pleads as a female voice answered, blurting out the hotel name as I heard the sickening crack of the door being kicked open.
The blonde woman let out a blood curdling scream as the man pulled her behind him defensively. "What the hell is-"
She screamed even louder with more agonizing trauma as he was shot, collapsing on the ground. I tried to jump in front of the woman but the bullet came flying just as quickly as the first; she was on the ground before I could move a single step.
Dropping the phone, I fell to my knees.
That was it.
I fell into a panic attack, trembling in absolute devastation. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't function. I couldn't do a single thing as I heard footsteps walking up to me, so smooth, threatening and knowing that I knew it was Alex. He reached over me and calmly hung up the phone, crouching down in front of me. I didn't raise my head; I couldn't bare to look at him. His voice was coldly calm and lacked any empathy, "Do you want more people to die?"
I couldn't stop crying long enough to answer him, out of breath. "Answer the question."
He snatched a few locks of my hair, pulling my head up so that I was forced to look at him but I quickly shut my eyes, trembling, "N-No!"
Before I heard a response, I heard crying.
A woman crying.
My eyes snapped open in horror as I realized she was still alive, eyes open in pure shock. She was too petrified and stunned to even realize what was happening around her.
Alex stood up, sitting beside her quietly. He gently brushed the hair out her eyes, shushing her as if he meant her no harm. I watched her as she struggled to speak, trying to get the words out as he subtly reached into his back pocket. I screamed as he pulled out his switchblade, bringing it over to her arm. He looked back at me with harsh eyes before he turned his attention back to the blonde. I shut my eyes, covering my ears as he dragged the knife down her arm, filling the room with her screams of pain. I couldn't handle the echoing screams and knowing I couldn't stop him, I began to run from the room when Blake caught me around the waist, pinning me back against his chest as he held my arms by my sides. I pulled away desperately but I was completely panicked and devastated, "A-Alex stop! Please!"
He lifted the knife for a moment, turning back to lock eyes.
Right before he plunged the knife into her side.

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