Chapter 17 - The Dream Team

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Landry's P.O.V.

It was now thursday and we had a day off from recording BFW. Ricky had arranged a second fake date with Amber, who probably thought he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend today during it. Anyways, I walked with Ricky to her hotel but hided outside when he walked inside to pick her up in the lobby. About 5 minutes later I saw them walking out. Amber was wearing a pink skirt together with a white lacey crop top and some black heeled over the knee boots. In her arm she held her black handbag. I followed them with a bit distance between us and Ricky walked her to a Starbucks. They walked inside and as they had got their drinks and sat down at a table in a corner I walked inside too. I made sure to keep my hood on and my sunglasses covered my eyes. I ordered a frappucino and sat down abit away from them. They started talking and after about 20 minutes, my phone lit up. It was a text from Ricky. I quickly opened it and saw that he had sent me Amber's code. I smiled and sent back a simple thumbs up emoji. 10 minutes later Ricky and Amber walked outside so I did the same. I followed them through a park and all of a sudden I heard music and spotted a street musician abit away. Ricky must also had noticed him because he turned to Amber.

"May I have this dance?" He said and stretched out his hand.

"Yes you may, but what am I going to do with my bag?" Amber said.

"Put it in the grass, it's only one dance. I'll keep an eye on it for you if you want while we dance and you can just have fun. Okay?" He said.

"Okay, but only one dance because this bag is really expensive so I can't loose it" She said.

Ricky took her bag and put it next to a bush and pulled her abit away and started to dance with her. I walked to the other side of the bush and crawled into it. I then peeked out on the side that the bag was on and stuck my hand down it. I found the phone pretty fast and took it up. I unlocked it with the code Ricky sent me earlier and I then went to her photo library. Amber and Ricky where still dancing and Amber couldn't take her eyes of Ricky which was great for me since she wouldn't look over at her bag and notice me. I found the video and pressed delete before clicking on recently deleted photos and officially deleted it from her phone and from this world. I smiled widely, put her phone back in her bag and got eye contact with Ricky. I did a thumbs up before dissappearing through the bushes. Mission complete!

I then continued to watch them from far away. The song ended and Amber walked over to get her bag. Ricky took up his phone and seemed to talk to someone on his phone.

"Oh okay, I'll see you guys there. Bye" He said as he hung up.

"What was that about?" Amber said.

"It was Emery, Joby wants us to come to the studio for a meeting and it seemed really important. I'm sorry Amber but I need to go" He said.

"Oh well it's okay. I mean it's your job so you got to take it serious. I'll call you later okay? Bye babe" She said and kissed his cheek.

I watched her turn around and walk away in the opposite direction towards where I was standing. As she was no longer visible Ricky walked over to me.

"Did you delete it?" He asked.

"Yep I did" I said.

"Yay we're the dream team! That's amazing. So do you want to get an ice cream or something to celebrate?" He said.

"Hehe yeah we are and sure but I thought you had an important meeting with Emery, Liam and your manager" I said.

"Landry, That was only a lie to get Amber to leave. We did what we came here for so I don't want to spend more time with her than neccissary" He said and chuckled.

"Oh, well let's go and get that ice cream shall we?" I said and chuckled too.

"Yeah" Ricky said and nodded.

We started to walk and I quickly jumped onto Ricky's back.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He asked.

"From now on you're my horse. To the ice cream shop horsie!" I said in a royal way.

"As you wish my princess!" Ricky said and laughed as he held onto my legs and began to run with me on his back.

I laughed hard and also blushed a little because he called me princess. I'm happy I'm on his back so he didn't see it though.

In Love With My Co-Star (A Randry Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें