Chapter 3 - A whole new feeling

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Landry's P.O.V.

One and a half week has now gone and we've filmed the first two episodes. First the one with awkward Cyd and Naldo plus visiting Daisy and then another in which Cyd and Shelby deals with a problem and the boys does something else. The next episode which we are filming is going to be interesting though. Basically Shelby and Barry has noticed that Cyd and Naldo has been acting different and awkward around eachother and Shelby wants to set them up because she believes that they likes eachother. The day goes on and I do a scene with Lauren in the girls bedroom where Shelby gets Cyd to admit that she still likes Naldo. The boys also has a similiar scene to that in the garage lab. Shelby and Barry then starts planning and there's also some scenes with Brett and Chett in between. Now it's time for the scene where Cyd and Naldo sees what their friends has done for them.

I walk out from the Marcus' house and out to their backyard.

"Shelby! Where are you?" I yell as Cyd but then notices that the backyard is all decorated.

There's fairy lights everywhere and lit candles. On the grass there's a blanket with loads for drinks and snacks and there's also a a movie projector and a white sheet put up as a screen.

"What the?" I said as Cyd just as Ricky walks out from the garage lab holding his phone against his ear.

"Hi Barry, it me Naldo. I'm at the lab but I can't find you anywhere. You said you wanted to meet me here but where are you? If you hear this call me back okay?" He said as Naldo and put his phone in his pocket.

He noticed me and the decorated garden and widened his eyes.

"Cyd? What's all this?" He said as Naldo and walked up to me.

"Don't ask me... I have no idea...It's probably Shelby who's done it though, It seems like a thing she'd do. " I said as Cyd.

I looked at Ricky for a few seconds before turning around and walking towards the Marcus's backdoor. I put my hand on the door handle and pulled it down but the door was locked.

"Dang it! Someone's locked it!" I said loudly as Cyd.

"I think there's something weird about this. Barry said he wanted to meet me in the garage lab but he's not there and now someone has locked the door which you came out from... almost like they want to keep us here...." Ricky said as Naldo.

I turned around and looked at him.

"Of course! They have made a trap and now they want us to talk to eachother" I said as Cyd.

"You think so?" Ricky said as Naldo.

"Yeah... I mean it has been kind of awkward between us the last two weeks and so... and two days ago Shelby kind of asked me about it...." I said as Cyd.

"Oh that's weird because Barry did the same with me. He asked about you and why we haven't been ourselves around eachother..." Ricky said as Naldo.

"I guess we're doomed to talk about it since we're stuck here..." I said as Cyd and sat down on the blanket.

"Yeah... so uhm things have been quite awkward since the dance..." Ricky said as Naldo and sat down beside me.

"Yeah... I miss how it was before the dance but I guess something did happen that night...." I said.

"Yeah something definiately happened...." Ricky said as Naldo and looked into my eyes.

We sat there for a few seconds and then he started to lean in as there was a kiss in the script. I started to do the same but in the last second I turn away my face.

"Sorry, This is just so weird for me. I've never kissed someone while acting before and you all watching makes it really awkward. And no offense Ricky but it's also it's weird because you and me are like best friends" I said.

"It's okay, It truly is weird and awkward. If it makes you feel better it's my first on screen kiss too." Ricky said and chuckled.

"I just have to become Cyd and just forget about Landry and see you as Naldo and not as my best friend Ricky" I said and chuckled back.

The director said action again we started over from a few lines back. Ricky then leaned forwards again and I did the same. A second later our lips met and I closed my eyes. The kiss was sweet and for some reason I got butterflies in my tummy. I shouldn't have any because this is just acting and Ricky is only my best friend but I couldn't help it. I felt all warm and fuzzy and my heart skipped a beat. We then pulled away and looked at eachother.

"Wow... Naldo I...." I said as Cyd and smiled but the wow was secretly from myself as well.

"I like you a lot Cyd...." Ricky said as Naldo and smiled back.

"I like you too Naldo.... I have done it since the 4th grade and I guess I never really got over you..." I said as Cyd and smiled.

"So uhm.... do you want to uhm... be my girlfriend?" He said as Naldo.

"I'd love that" I said as Cyd and smiled widely.

"Let's enjoy the movie that they picked out shall we?" He said as Naldo.

"Yeah sure" I said as Cyd.

Ricky started the movie and then wrapped his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and looked at the screen.

"And cut! Amazing work guys! That looked so real!" The director said.

I took away my head from Ricky's shoulder and he took away his arm.

"Great work Landry! You really turned into Cyd there" Ricky said and smiled.

"Thanks... I guess I did. You were great too" I said and blushed lightly.

"Thanks, I think it was really good for being both of us first on screen kiss." He said and smiled.

"Yeah, me too" I said and smiled back.

We then got up to go back to our dressing rooms and change into our normal clothes and end for the day. I walked into my dressing room and sat down on my couch. I couldn't get the kiss out of my head and it's silly because it's only acting and it wasn't between me and Ricky it was between Cyd and Naldo. I grab my phone and looks at my lockscreen picture. It's a picture of me and Ricky where I'm on his back. I love that picture so much. I felt all warm and fuzzy again and in that moment I realized something. I'm in love with my best friend!


Dun dun duuh! The story will really start now. The other chapters were basically just for introduction but now things will get really intresting ;)

Hope you all liked the chapter!

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