Chapter 1 - Back to work

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Landry's P.O.V.

2017, a new year with new beginnings. Almost a month has gone on the new year and so far it's been amazing. A couple of days ago it was Ricky's birthday and he turned 18. His bandmates Emery and Liam had set up a surprise birthday party for him and it was so much fun. Today was the first table read for season 3 of Best Friends Whenever and I was so happy that the show got renewed. My mom dropped me of outside of the hollywood centre studios.  

"By sweetie have fun" She said.

"Thanks mom. I'll call you when it's over" I said, gave her a hug and got out from the car.

I watched her drive away and started to walk towards the entrence.

"Landry!" I heard a familiar voice shout behind me.

I turned around to see Ricky coming towards me.

"Hi Ricky" I said and smiled.

"I'm so happy that we're getting to do one more season of the show!" He said and smiled.

"Me too! I can't wait to see what they've planned for this season" I said and smiled.

We walked inside together and entered the room where the table read were being held. We were met by Lauren, Gus, Bryana, Matthew and Benjamin. We said hi to them before we sat down and then the creators and producers of our show Jed and Scott started to talk.

"So we'd like to welcome everyone back to a new and excited season of Best Friends Whenever! The show has got renewed and we also got to keep our own princess Daisy as a recurring character. Since the fans likes her so much we just couldn't not include her in some of the episodes" Jed said.

"Whoo!" I said and cheered along with everyone else. I gave Bryana a hug and Lauren joined in as well.

We got the scripts for the first episode of the season and I took up my phone and went on snapchat.

"First day back at work you guys! We're so excited, right Ricky?" I said as I recorded a snapchat video.

I leaned towards Ricky who sat beside me so that he got inside of the shot.

"Yess! I can't wait to start filming again!" He said and smiled.

I posted the video to my story and took a quick selfie as well with Ricky which I uploaded to instagram with the caption:

First table read for Best friends whenever season 3 with this guy 💖

We then started to go through the episode and read out our lines. The episode were going to be so amazing and I had loads of scenes with Ricky. The fans are really going to like this one, they've wanted this for two whole seasons. A few hours later we finished and everyone left.

"Hey Landry, want to come with me and Gus to Starbucks?" Ricky asked.

"Oh yeah sure!" I said and smiled.

I went with the boys to Starbucks and we had a great time. I laughed so much, Ricky and Gus are the craziest and funniest guys I know. In a few days we'd start filming the first episode of the new season and I couldn't wait. The rest of the afternoon I spent with the boys and then me and Ricky walked home together as we're neighbors and lives next door to eachother.


Yay, a new Randry story! So as you all can see it's set in real life and will basically be about what happens on and off set. Hope you all will like this story!

In Love With My Co-Star (A Randry Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ