Chapter 16 - The plan

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Landry's P.O.V.

It was now sunday meaning the day after Ricky went out with Amber. I was just chilling at home when my phone buzzed.

You where going to make him my boyfriend and not just a one time thing!

I widened my eyes, it was from Amber. I quickly replied.

What do you mean? You only said I had to make him go out with you and not get together with him.

I pressed send and she quickly responded.

Well that was not what I meant so make him ask me to be his girlfriend before Saturday when I go back home or else I'll post the video 😈

Are she kidding me right now? Ricky will never agree to become her boyfriend. I'm screwed, the whole world is going to find out that I like Ricky. There's gotta be a way to stop her, like delete the video from her phone or something. I'm not giving up and letting her win. This time I'm fighting back, but I can't do it alone. I stood up and walked to the hallway. Not caring about that I where in my sweatpants, a simple long sleeve tee, no makeup and my hair was in two braids. I plopped my feets into my white slip on vans and walked over to Ricky's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood his mom Tammy.

"Oh hi Landry" She said and smiled.

"Hi Tammy, is Ricky home?" I said and smiled back.

"Yeah he's upstairs in his room. Come in" She said.

"Thanks" I said.

I took off my shoes and walked upstairs. I then opened Ricky's door without knocking to find him in his bed with his laptop in his lap.

"Holaa Ricardoo!" I said in a spanish accent ad I sat walked inside his room and sat down beside him.

"Hey Landry, what's up?" He said and laughed as he looked up from his laptop screen.

"Well I have a problem..." I began.

"Is it Amber again?" He said and put his laptop on the nightstand.

"Yeah..." I said and nodded.

"What has she done now?" He asked.

"Look for yourself" I said as I unlocked my phone and went into mine and Ambers messages before handing my phone to Ricky.

"What the? Is she serious? You know that I'm not doing that right? Like not to be mean to you or anything..." He said as he read the messages.

"I know... I'm not asking you to ask her out, I just don't want the secret to get out either. I want to stop her and like fight back somehow" I said.

"I understand and you should. This is not okay" He said.

"I had this idea of like trying to delete the video from her phone but I don't know how that would happen because nobody leaves their phones unattended today..." I said and sighed.

"That's a great idea Landry! I'll help you" He said.

"Thanks, so do you have any idea how we're going to get hold of her phone?" I asked.

"Well not really, I guess I could take her out somewhere and somehow get her to leave her bag/phone and distract her while you takes her phone and deletes the video?" He said.

"That sounds great! But we also need to find out her code to unlock the phone" I said.

"Yeah true, I could try to see which code she types in when she opens her phone before I get her to leave her phone unattended." He said.

"Yeah that's great. Thanks for doing this for me Ricky, you're a great friend" I said and smiled.

"I'd do anything for you Landry, well except ask Amber to be my girlfriend but you know" He said and chuckled.

I laughed a little and smiled. Maybe this will turn out good after all. I actually have a chance of making sure that the video is gone forever, I'm not going to mess this up.

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