Chapter 6 - A day at Disneyland

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Landry's P.O.V.

Today we had a day off from filming and I were going to watch Ricky perform with his band Forever In Your Mind at Disneyland California. I walked outside and over to Ricky's house where I met up with him and Tammy. Together with them I went by car to Disneyland which took about 30 minutes as it was abit outside of LA. When we arrived there we met up with Ricky's bandmates Emery and Liam plus their managers Joby and Alli. We got to go inside the park by another way and we got shown to the stage that they had put up. There was already people waiting infront of it and we all chilled backstage for a while until it was time for FIYM to go on. They ran out and the crowed started to cheer. I stood on the side with Joby, Alli and Tammy and joined in on the cheering. They started singing their first song and I sang and danced along. I had so much fun and filmed some of it and uploaded to my snap story. After a few songs they started to sing Whenever and I smiled widely. I sang along and when they where about to start the second chorus I decided to prank them. As they sang the word Whenever, I jumped out on the stage with my hand raised just like me and Lauren does in the opening for the show.

"Whenever, you need me, I'm right there for you!" I sang and the crowd screamed as they saw me.

Ricky and the other's turned around to see me and I could see a smile on Ricky's face. I walked up to him and we both sang like crazy. When it came to the middle thing of the song that went "You missed your chance, messed up your plans, so try it all again. It's so fun to be someone who travels in time....." Ricky grabbed my hands and we started to dance around together. When the last and final chorus came we continued on to jump while still holding eachother in one hand. The song then ended and I smiled as the crowd got crazy. Ricky smiled back at me and looked at the crowd.

"Well what a surprise, we've got a guest! The one and only Cydney Ripley!" He said and as he said the name he did the accent that Naldo did in the show when he turned crazy by the boat we won.

"It's Cyd, Renaldo. And since the song is about me I had to join" I said and laughed.

Ricky started to laugh as well as the crowd.

"Since you're here, do you want to shake your booty with us?" Ricky said and smirked.

"Oh I'd love to!" I said.

"Then hit it! This is Shake your booty everyone!" Emery shouted.

The song began and me and Ricky decided to do the dance that we did in the show. We danced like that,while also singing, until the first chorus ended and it was so much fun. Then I started to ugly dancing and as the second chorus came I joined the boys in the dance that they did in the music video. As the song ended I laughed so much.

"That was so much fun!" I said and smiled.

"Yeah! Well thank's for joining us Landry" Ricky said and smiled.

"It was an honor, thanks for having me. Good luck with the rest of the concert" I said to Ricky and the other's. "Bye everyone, it was so much fun seeing you all" I then said to the crowd and waved as I ran of the stage.

I watched the rest of the concert and when the boys where finished me, Ricky, Liam and Emery got free entrence to all the rides for the rest of the day. We had a really good time and right now me and Ricky where about to get some cotton candy. I had to go to the bathroom so Ricky stood in the line and now I was on my way back to him.

"Omg Landry hi!" I heard a very familiar voice say.

I turned around and there she stood, Amber, the girl who made my childhood a nightmare by bullying me back in Chicago where I'm from.

"Hi Amber..." I said as she made her way up to me.

"I can't believe I ran into you here, of all people. Gosh it was so long ago since I saw you" She said and smiled.

"Yeah... so uhm what are you doing here in LA and Disneyland?" I asked.

"I'm on vacation with my family, my aunt, her husband and my two little cousins. My cousin's and my little sister wanted to visit Disneyland so here I am. What about you? What are you doing here?" She said.

"I came here to support a friend who had a gig here a few hours ago and now we're just going on rides and stuff with his two friends" I said.

"Oh yeah, I saw a poster about that Forever In Your Mind were performing earlier and I've seen that you're friends with one of them, Ricky Garcia" She said.

"Yeah... He's in the same TV show as me... We're really close friends" I said.

"You're so lucky, he's so hot. He's here now right? Please could you introduce me to him, I mean we're old friends after all" She said.

"We're not friends and we've never been. You bullied me and year after year stole my lead roles in the school plays by being my understudy and made sure I couldn't perform. But look at me now, I'm in a TV show, I'm famous and I'm best friends with Ricky Garcia. You're just jealous" I said and glared at her.

As Amber was about to say something Ricky came with our cotton candy and interrupted.

"Here's your cotton candy" He said and handed me one of them.

"Thanks" I said and smiled as I took my cotton candy.

"Oh my gosh! You're Ricky Garcia. My name's Amber and I'm an old friend of Landry. I'm a huge fan!" Amber said and smiled flirty towards Ricky.

I could feel jealousy building up inside of me. I'm not letting her take everything that's mine again, just likes she did when we where kids.

"For the last time we are not friends and we'll never be!" I said loudly and glared at Amber.

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