Chapter 16

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"Marshall what the hell am I going to do?" Bonnie sobbed. She was still sitting on the bathroom floor after I got back from dropping Bubba off.

I slowly stepped towards her, crouching down to her level. "I don't know, Bon. We'll figure it out okay? You just need to take a deep breath and calm down-"

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN!?" She screamed, throwing the three plastic sticks against the wall. She sobbed harder and clutched at her stomach. I was at loss for words, I had no idea what to do. I felt horrible.

"I'm so sorry, Bonnibel," I whispered, feeling so bad for her right now. She didn't need this extra stress added to everything. "You have to trust me that everything will be fine in the end..." I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"How!?" She smacked my hand away. "I don't think you understand the severe complication in this situation. I'm pregnant, Marshall, and I'm married to a woman!" She yelled at me. "Oh glob... what is Marcy going to say...?" Bonnie sobbed again. Of course I understood. Two lesbians can't make a baby on their own together. "I'm supposed to meet her at the airport next week... I don't know what I'm going to do! I've already been keeping the truth from her as it is, now this!"

"Well eventually you're going to have to tell her..."

"No shit, Marshall!" She yelled, angry tears rushing down her cheeks like raging waterfalls.

"Alright well yelling at me isn't going to help anything," I glared. She shot me a dirty look before angrily wiping away some of the tears off her red face.

"I just don't know what to do... How the hell am I going to tell her?" She stared in front of her with an empty expression. I watched her for a moment. "She's going to hate me... she's gonna hate me for lying to her. And for being such a slut!" She hid her face in her knees.

"Here we go again..." I sighed and crawled in front of her. "Bonnibel. How many times do I have to say it for you to get it through your pretty little head? You are not a fucking slut for what happened. And it's not your fault whatsoever..." Bonnie didn't move or say anything. I huffed and pulled her head up to look at me. "Are you listening to me?" She watched me for a moment before nodding. "Then repeat what I just said." I let go of her face, watching her with a stern look.

"...I'm not a slut... and it wasn't my fault..." she said meekly.

"Good. Now get up off this nasty floor. We'll think of a game plan later." I stood and pulled Bonnie up and together we went downstairs. That's when I noticed that both the living room and kitchen were all cleaned up. Bubba must've cleaned while he was waiting downstairs. What an angel. I felt bad for kicking him out, but I just can't take care of Bonnie while trying to pay attention to him at the same time. Speaking of Bonnie.

"When's the last time you've eaten?" I asked, trying to recall if she ate during lunch or not.

"I drank some juice this morning..." She was back to her small, insecure state like when she first started staying here. I sighed, disappointed.

"Really? That's it? It's almost six, Bon. That's too long to not have eaten anything yet." This whole situation is taking a big toll on her, I can tell.

"I'm just not hungry... I'm not starving myself on purpose, I promise..." She twiddled her thumbs, staring at the linoleum tile of my kitchen floor. I really hope she's telling the truth and not refusing to eating on purpose. But I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't go through the same sort of thing. You get so consumed by your anxiety and worrying thoughts that you just don't feel hungry anymore. This needs to change before it gets any worse.

"I understand that, but you need to eat something. It's not healthy. How 'bout I make you something simple. Salad? Cereal? Soup? Anything?" I offer, hoping she'll want to eat. She sighed.

Teaching Nostalgia [Gumlee]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें