Chapter 8

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"Dude, just tell me what's up. You're my bestie, man. I ain't gonna judge you," Flame said before jumping up and shooting the basketball through the hoop in my backyard. I grabbed the ball, dribbling it in place.

"I get that, but I swear nothing is wrong," I sighed. I hopped and shot the ball, it hitting the rim and bouncing off into a bush. I groaned and went to retrieved the ball, Flame laughing at me.

"That's one more letter 'til you spell Horse," he called out. Once out of the bush, I threw the ball at him. "Seriously man, something must be up. You don't normally suck this bad at basketball." He shot the ball once again, making it.

"Well, I haven't played since the season ended last year. This isn't even a real 1v1 anyways, we're playing a sissy game of Horse. And no, like I've said before, nothing is wrong." And I was right, there was nothing wrong. I mean, I was kind of stressing over my date with Gummy boy and what to do with him, but that doesn't mean I'm having issues.

"Whatever dude, let's go, right now. You start," he chest passed the ball to me. "Whoever makes it to ten points first wins. If I win, you have to..." He paused, thinking of a good bet. "You have to tell me what's been up with you."

"Oh my glob. Nothing is wrong!" I yelled, rolling my eyes.

"Then why are you so moody?"

"Because you're pissing me off! Ugh. Anyways, if I win you have to... pay me ten bucks," I said simply.

"Easy." He got ready in an athletic position, waiting for me to start. I dribbled the ball and ran around, trying to dodge Flame. When the moment was right, I jumped and shot the ball. Flame was able to knock it out if the air and shoot it for himself, earning a point. Flame laughed, "I have a feeling this'll be a quick game."

After about a half hour of playing, Flame ended up winning by seven points. I groaned dramatically and kicked the side of my house, angry that I lost. What was up with my game today? Is worrying about Barnaby really causing me to suck this bad?

"Dude, what the hell! That was too easy!" Flame shoved me playfully, "I won so now you gotta tell me!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. What was I supposed to tell him anyways? Nothing was wrong with me? At least I don't think so... I guess I could tell him about the date I'm nervous about? But Bubba and I want to keep us a secret for now... I guess telling one person couldn't hurt... Right? I paused for a moment, thinking about how to word this, and how he'd react to the news. I took a deep breath and began, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course, man."

"So... I'm going on a date Saturday. And I'm pretty nervous. I can't stop thinking about it-"

"WHAT!? Dude, that's epic! It's about time you get back on the dating scene! Why didn't you tell me sooner! Who's the lucky girl? Is she hot? Does she have nice tits? You have a picture of her right? Lemme see! Lemme see!" Flame exploded with questions, shaking me by the shoulders.

"Will you chill for a sec! Damn," I pushed him off me. "Listen, that's kinda what I wanted to talk about. I'm not going on a date with a girl..." I said slowly. Flame looked at me confused. "I'm... I uh...-"

"Woah man, are you... gay ???" Flame asked with wide eyes. I froze. I didn't know what to say. I don't think I'm gay. I mean, sure, I like Bubba a lot, and he's definitely a boy. But what about Ashley? And the other girls I've been with? Boobs are nice, and I'm not opposed to the feel of a girl's... you know what. I haven't really gone that far with a guy before so I wouldn't know how that works, but I am one myself, and I know what I like... Now that I think about it, I guess I wouldn't mind having a dick inside me.

Hmm, that's pretty gay, isn't it?

"I... I don't really know to be completely honest," I shrugged. Flame was quiet for a while, probably shocked. "Just... I don't really care right now. All I know is that I think I found someone that I can trust and won't hurt me like Ashley did. I think he can help me be a better person and can make me really happy if we're together. Happier than he already does."

"He... so you are gay?" Flame asked slowly, clearly confused.

"Did you not listen to what I just said? I told you I don't know!"

"Could you be bi maybe?"

"I don't know! I don't wanna put a label on myself right now. I like who I like and that's it. Simple."

"Hmm. Well whatever, I won't judge you, man. You do You," Flame said, putting his hands up in surrender. "Who is this guy, anyways?"

"Well, this is what I wanted you to keep secret. It's... Gumball," I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, awaiting his response.

Instantly, his face changed into total shock. His jaw dropped and his eyes shot wide open as he stared at me in disbelief. "Woah, what!? You like Gumball!?... That explains a lot."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, nothing. You two are always with each other and junk like that," he waved a hand. "I support you, though. Hope it all goes well, man," he smiled and patted my back harshly. I chuckled and thanked him. "Alright, enough of this sappy shit! Let's get some din-dins, I'm hungies!" Flame pushed me away from him and ran inside as I stayed where I was laughing. I'm glad he was one of my best friends, and I'm certainly glad he didn't react negatively to the news I'd just told him.

Now all I have to do is make sure this date goes well. Maybe I can even get Flame to help me plan it. I smiled to myself and followed him back inside.


Hey guys! It's been a while, huh? Oh well. Here's this little filler chapter for now, I'm going to work on their date chap soon so be ready for that!

I'm supposed to be writing an essay rn but who cares lol, gumlee is more important!

Also, a while ago I started writing a little story about Marshall and his life back in the day before he was a vampire. I have yet to finish it but idk, I thought it was a cool idea at the time. I'll upload it once it's finished.

As always, thanks so much for reading! I'll see ya in the next chapter! ❤️✌🏻️

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