Chapter 23 (part 2)

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A few hours later Fionna, Cake, and I were discussing how to get my car open. We sat at the cluttered dining table while I was wiping off a bunch of makeup with a wipe. After Fionna and I talked, we ended up doing a livestream on her Instagram. Which resulted in me doing a very incorrect beauty tutorial spoof. Some of the highlights were:

"Hello my cute little sugar babies, welcome back to my channel!" Followed by a makeup brush being thrown at the phone.

"This little egg-shaped sponge is actually a soft butt-plug for beginners! The ass juices really help with blending!"

"Next you want to take the brightest red lipstick you have and apply that shit everywhere, like a lesbian! Trust me, my cousins are lesbos, I'm allowed to say that, I know exactly what I'm doing."

And "When struggling to pick out which blush to wear, color-match it with your butthole!"

Those were just a few moments.

Anyway, back to the present, we were pretty much all out of options. Cake had tried texting Mono but he never replied. And we couldn't ask Flame since we all hated him now. The option of calling a tow-truck or something was said but we none of us had the money. And since it was getting late, Cake offered to just drive me home and worry about it later, but I wasn't comfortable with the idea of Simone's car being alone at a park all night. It was bad enough I left it alone for this long already! Who even knows if the hub caps are still on it.

"I think I know who we can call," Fionna stated after a while, an all-knowing look on her face.

"Who?" Cake and I said at the same time. She gave me the side eye before leaning in towards her sister, who whispered in her ear. Cake's eyes widened and she looked at me briefly.

"What? Who is it?" I asked, annoyed they weren't telling me. Fionna and her sister just snickered to themselves. I rolled my eyes and got up to go find a mirror to make sure all the makeup was off. Whoever they were planning on getting to help, I couldn't face them looking like Pennywise from the new IT movie. Or while wearing girls clothes for that matter. I jogged up the stairs.

Once my face was bare again and I was wearing my jeans and one of Fionna's hoodies, I came back downstairs to find Fionna just ending her phone call.

"...Chill out, you'll be fine!... Alright, see you in a bit, love you! ...Yeah, yeah, whatever... Bye!"

"Who was that?" I tried asking again. The girls turned their attention to me, big smiles on their faces.

"Guess which handsome lad is on their way to rescue you?"

"Fionna." I glared. I told her I wasn't ready, which should automatically mean not to tease me with cute boys.

"Sorry, sorry. But guess who!" I didn't guess so Fionna just said it. "Gumball!" she beamed. My jaw fell to the floor. She called him!?

"Out of the 7 billion people in the world, you called my ex to come help!?" My hands found my hair and I paced around the kitchen. "Oh this is just lovely."

"Come one, it won't be that bad! I thought you guys were supposed to be friends still? Friends always help friends, no matter what!"

"Just because we're friends doesn't automatically make it any less awkward!" I sighed. I can't believe this! This is all too much happening at once. I feel like I could throw up, pass out, and scream all at the same time. A wave of anxiety rushed through my body and I could feel my hands shaking. I tried my hardest to calm down but it just wasn't working. I managed to keep my cool all day yet here I am freaking out over Bubba again.

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