Chapter VIII. Friendly Remarks

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Lol it's not Harry bye



I slowly turn, contemplating whose familiar voice is this. I come face to face with a man who has short light brown hair pushed back, his eyes glimmering in the perfect lighting and I question the fact he's talking to me from how attractive he looks.

"...yeah?" I should know who it is but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

"Oh come on, few years passed and all I get is 'yeah'?" He frowns playfully.

"I'm sorry...uh..." Okay let's go back the memory lane.

Okay, brunet, clean shaved, pretty neat jawline...glasses- wait...

" Jacob?" I raise my brows in surprise.

"Bingo." He grins and pokes my forehead.

"Oh hey!" I smile. "It's been what, seven years? How are you doing? You look so different I almost didn't recognise you." I nudge his arm.

"Obviously." He chuckles. "I'm doing great actually, working on a new painting for my next gallery. How about you? I heard your name mention quite a few times over there." He gestures to where the party is.

"Oh that..." I scrunch up my nose. " Larry just decided to celebrate my promotion." I rub my arm sheepishly. "I'm doing just fine though."

"That's great! " He grins. "Congratulations, what are you though?"

"I'm working as an editor at Vogue." I smile.

"Woah, Vogue? Wow, you must be real good then." He beams and places his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go inside celebrate, what are you doing just standing here?"

He starts leading me back to the hall before I even reply, and I take a glimpse behind him at where the dark figure was earlier, seeing that no one is there anymore. I shake my head and follow Jacob, brushing off any assumptions.

We're sat at the bar now and some of my friends approached us, some of them already knowing Jacob while others just met him, and we started having a trip down the memory lane with funny stories about high school and pranks in college. It was going just fine as I enjoyed the light conversation. 

Though after a certain amount of time, conversations started to cease and I hear the sound of the clinking metal to glass. I look around to where the sound is, and find my brother holding up a glass in the middle of the crowd. It took a few more seconds for everyone to completely quiet down, and he cleared his throat and beamed.

"Hey everyone-"

Someone whistled at him, earning a few laughs.

"Right. Uh thank you all for coming today, I know it means the world for my baby sister, who happens to be now one of the representatives of Vogue. So here is to that." A round of applause follows and a couple of cheerings.  He'd neared where I am sitting by now and I can finally see him properly. "I just want to say, Taylor I've never been more proud of you, and I know you will achieve even more things in the future. " I bite my lip from smiling too much as my eyes start tearing up. "I remember when you were a little brat, you'd always want to be somewhere big and have everyone know your name. Well now I'm telling you, you made it. You did it. However you phrase it. "

I wipe away an annoying tear and walk over to him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much." I mumble, my voice cracking.

"No problem. I love you."

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