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"I must say that your work the past few weeks has been very impressive."

"Anything to take down Oliver Queen." Even as the words left my mouth, it made me feel sick to my stomach. He was using me as a bargaining chip against Conner, and for all he knew I was dead. As much as I told myself that it was okay, because I was willing to do anything to send Oliver Queen to jail- Was...

"Good. Now make sure that when you're tailing the boy he doesn't see you."

"He just had his arm amputated. I doubt that he'll be going anywhere."

"You naive little girl. Don't you see that he would do anything for you? He has compassion for you." I take a deep breath, trying to stop myself from wanting to throttle him. The only thought that controls it is the fact that he's the only one capable of fighting Oliver.

"You will learn the moment Oliver Queen is dead at our feet. Now come... An opportunity has arrived that is much to tempting to resist."

She follows Prometheus over the rooftops of Star City, her bow bound to her back tightly, her quiver filled with plenty of arrows. As they grow closer to what she can only assume is their target destination, she can hear gunshots and screaming echoing through the night.

Standing over the chaos she manages to make out the outline of Oliver Queen, armed and firing what arrows he can sparingly- He was running out fast and everyone knew it. It was too tempting to resist.

Good thing she wasn't wearing the same leather suit she had with them. A shemagh covers a majority of her face, while a hood shields the rest from their gazes. Everything would have to go wrong for them to figure out she was alive. 

Prometheus shoots a grappling arrow across the rooftops of the skyscrapers and dives into the chaos, Oliver immediately turning to meet the machete in her masters hands. From her perch she begins to fire arrows at the rest of her former team. One lands in Mad dogs thigh, another in Mr. Terrific's shoulder, and the last in Diggs calf.

She fired a grappling arrow and swings down into the fight, being met by a stranger. Not a stranger- Beck. She almost didn't recognize him in the red hoodie.

"Who are you?!" She stays silent as she swings her bow towards his knees, but he just leaps over it before he swings towards her jaw, missing narrowly.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Her voice causes his eyes to widen for a moment in shock. Of course- her voice.

"You sick b-" She cuts him off as she swings her bow one more time and knocks him out cold. He crumples to the ground just in time for one of the Rags to wrap tightly around her ankle. She quickly fires an arrow, slicing through the ancient cloth. She doesn't wait another second before she fires a smoke arrow and makes a break for it. Even she was smart enough when to know she didn't stand a chance.

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now