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It'd been five days since my brother and Evelyn were taken by Prometheus, and I could feel the anger surging throughout my body. Someone was harming my other half and I was completely aware of it, yet there wasn't a thing that I could do.

"You okay?" I shake out my hand as I stop hitting the mannequin as hard as I can.

"Do I look like it?" I immediately regret snapping at Felicity. All she has done is make sure that I survive for the last few days, and here I am yelling at her for seeing if I'm okay.

"I-I'm sorry... I know you're probably not okay, considering that we still don't have any leads on Conner..." Running my hands through my hair, I start to pace back and forth.

"It's okay Felicity... I'm sorry I yelled. It's just... When our dad died we were five, I made a promise to myself that I would make sure nothing ever happened to Conner. He's always been the more sensitive one..."

"He'll be okay Beck. He's an Allen and a Queen. He'll be okay..."

"We have an Uncle. You and Olivers son, Robert. He always said that Queens are resilient."

"Well he is not wrong there."

"How are you doing? You said that your boyfriend died?"

"Oh yeah... don't you worry about it though."

"I'm taking that as 'I'll bury myself in work so I don't have to think about it'. Right?"

"H-How'd you...?"

"My mom did the same thing when my dad died. She's a lot like you."

"We got a lead!" Oliver comes storming in the room followed by Rene, Kurtis, and Rory. Dig was already ready to go by the time they all met in the middle.

"What'd you find?"

"A day ago one of my contacts thought they saw Evelyn. They couldn't tell for sure though, since she was so beaten up."

"Where did they see her?"


"What. But... Why would Prometheus bring them to an entirely different city? I thought he was trying to draw Oliver out?"

"I know. Felicity, do you think you could hack into-"

"Already on it." She's already on her computer typing rapidly, and I can feel myself waiting in anticipation. This was the only lead that we'd gotten so far, and I don't know what I'd do if it didn't pan out. It might've just been easier if Conner and I got hit by the car.

"Got it. You can barely recognize her though... She has a scar on her face and it looks like she's lost a lot of weight..." I study her image, and seeing just how bad she is, it makes me worry all the more about my brother.

"I have a contact at the Bludhaven PD, I can see if they know anything."

"That's great Rory. See if they know anything and then we can go from there."

"What?? We should be going there!"

"Beck, I know you want to find your brother, but if we go rushing over to Bludhaven, it could be a trap. Or Prometheus might've planted her over there to throw us off track. We wait it out."

"Of course you don't mind waiting. You don't have anyone at risk."


"No Oliver! It's my brother we're talking about! It's been three days and I don't even know if he's alive!" I was done getting told what to do.

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin