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Conner immediately begins to scream as soon as he sees his arm ending at the elbow, instead of where it should be. The doctors had tried to save his arm, but by the time that he was brought in, it was just dead weight.

"My arm!!!" I try to help the nurse hold him down as she shouts for help. Another nurse comes running in and quickly gives him a sedative.

"He'll be out for a while... You're free to wait." As the team begins to disband, Oliver turns on his heal and catches the head nurses attention.

"Wait. Was there a girl that came in with him?"

"A girl?"

"She'd be seventeen, and a brunette."

"Mr. Queen, is the Police Department aware that Mr. Allen was missing and now there's another?"

"You know teenagers. They like to mess around sometimes... She likes to go back and forth between her mom and dads. I'm a friend of her fathers. She's probably just with her mother."

"Of course..." The nurse forces a smile on her face and leaves, closing the door behind her.

"He still has Evelyn..."

"He still has Evelyn." We all stand in silence processing what we knew at this point. Prometheus has let Conner go, but he'd kept Evelyn. How could that make any sense?

"Why would he keep Evelyn?"

"Because... She's his servent..." Conner breathes out and our gazes turn to see his eyes fluttering open. He still seems to be drowsy, but he's coming to.


"She's on his side... Or she was... She still thinks that Oliver deserves to be punished for what he's done..."

"Why would she do this?"

"You've killed people Oliver! Can you blame her?! You made her believe that she was helping people, but you didn't!"

"Conner, calm down. Olivers changed since then. He does help people."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him! I'd still have my arm if it wasn't for him!" At this point, his heart monitors are screaming but I could care less. Of course I didn't think that Oliver necessarily deserved to die, but he did deserve to pay for his crimes. Crimes that lead to Evelyn and Conner still being held by Prometheus. I also can't seem to figure out where this outburst is coming from. Conner never yelled like this before.

"I know Conner... I know I deserve a lot worse than what my life is... but if you knew these people-"

"You'd know the world is a whole lot better without them." Felicity carefully intertwines her hand with Oliver's, squeezing it reassuringly. For a split second it reminds me of typical days back home. I guess that they're destined to be soulmates no matter what universe or timeline that they're from.

"We've got you back, and we will get Evelyn back." I glance at my brother and see the look on his face. As sickly as he looks, talking about saving her makes him look even worse. I'm not sure if I'd seen a look like that on Conner's face since the day that our dad died.

"She's dead." I say. He didn't need to say it. His entire face did.

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now