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My entire body ached as I slowly sat up on the cold, hard floor. Prying my eyes open, the harsh light pierced through my thoughts as it overwhelms my senses. As the light slowly dims, I straighten out my glasses and finally get a good look at where I am. Weapons are scattered everywhere, leather suits mounted in cases, and in the center there is a circle of multiple different computers. Glancing to my right, I find Beck laying completely unconscious on the floor next to him. Scrambling to my brothers side and I quickly try to shake him awake, but it proves to be pointless.

"Don't move!" I don't even turn to look who's spoken before I get to my knees with my hands in the air; almost as if it's a reflex. It takes me a second to realize that the voice that yelled at me was a feminine one.

"Artemis? What's going on? Who are these people?" A man with dark skin walks over, his hair puffed out in an afro. Confusion only covers the mans features as he sees us here, with Beck just starting to come to.

"I don't know! I just found them. What should we do?"

"I'll call Green Arrow, you just make sure they stay out of trouble." The man walks away, pulling a cell phone out of his pocket.

"You know what? My brother and I could just leave, and everyone could forget about this. I'm sure our grandparents are looking for us."

"And who would your grandparents be?"

"Oliver and Felicity Queen. They have money, they'll pay for our safe return." I wait a moment, but only get confused more as I hear the girl start to laugh.

"You're kidding me right?" Another dark skinned man comes storming in, followed by the taller one.

"Artemis, what's going on?"

"Nothing to worry about Spartan, these two think that they're Oliver and Felicity Queens grandsons." The other two grow looks of disbelief, the afro man even beginning to laugh like 'Artemis'.

"I'm not kidding! My Grandparents are Oliver and Felicity Queen, my Great-Aunt is Thea Queen, and my parents are Rey Queen-Allen and Ben Allen. My entire family has money." The more authoritative of the three steps forward, and motions for me to stand up. Lowering my hands, I carefully get to my feet as adrenaline pumps through my body.

"What's your name kid?"

"Conner. Conner Allen, and that's my twin brother Beck. We don't mean to cause any trouble, we just want to go home." I say, motioning to my now barely conscious brother.

"I'm sorry to say this son, but going home might be a little harder than you think."

"What's going on?" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was the voice that scolded Beck and I when we'd gotten into our first fight, the same voice that had taught us how to drive, and helped me prep for my first job interview.

"Grandpa?" All eyes turn to Oliver Queen as his gaze lands on us, the two teenage boys standing there. Silence fills the room as we study each others movements. No one could deny that we shared physical similarities.

"Oliver! This better be good, because I have a funeral that I need... to be at... Did Barry mess with the time line again?" What was happening to us? 

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now