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Happy holidays guys!! I hope you're enjoying!

When I finally come too, I finds myself gagged and bound right where I had started off less than an hour ago.

"Evelyn?!" A voice travels through the room and rebounds in my mind. That was the name of the girl that Oliver had left us with...Us. Looking around, I find a lack of my twin in the Lair. I try to call out, but it comes out as a muffle. I throw myself around, in order to draw attention to myself, and someone immediately comes running.

"Beck!" A hispanic looking man pulls the gag out of my mouth, and begins to saw through the bonds.

"Where's your brother and Eve?"

"I don't know. She just showed up and then the lights went out. Someone knocked me out, and then I woke up like this. We need to find Conner." I could feel my head pound harder as I speak, right where the hard object had made contact with the back of my head.

"We will. Rory, call Oliver. Prometheus has Eve and one of the boys."

"I swear if he lays a hand on her Rene-"

"We'll kill 'em, but it won't do much good if Oliver isn't helping." After a few more seconds of sawing, Rene manages to get the thick ropes cut loose and I get to my feet.

"Whoever this guy is, he has my brother too. He's not going to be staying that way long."

"That's a pretty nasty cut, let me help." I quickly dodge away as Rory tries to place a hand on the gash on the back of my head. I barely knew these people, and it was because of them that my brother just vanished. Conner was always the weaker of the two of us, and it was up to me to make sure that he never got hurt.

"You sit your butt down right now young man. Knowing me, I'd probably kill me knowing that I let you guys get hurt." Felicity comes storming into the main room with a no crap look on her face.


"No 'but's'. Rene, can you get the first aid kit for me?"

"Yes ma'am boss lady." He jogs off into the Lair, and Felicity drags me over to a metal table and pats it, motioning for me to sit down.


"Beck. I'm in a know BS mood. My boyfriend is dead, and now one of my two grandsons of an alternate universe is missing. Now sit, and let me stitch that shut." I shut my mouth seeing the glare that I'd seen way too many times in my life. Even in alternate universes, some things never change.

"This might hurt a bit." She flicks a syringe full of a clear fluid and immediately, I feel way more nervous than I was before. She glances at me and he look softens.

"Listen Beck. I know a lot of this is confusing, and you miss your brother, but right now it's my job to take care of you because someone has to. Now this will pinch, but it will feel a hell of a lot better than just using the stitches. Alright?"


"Anytime. You have no clue how many times I've done this. I swear that I'm a professional." As she's about to inject the numbing agent, I grab her wrist to stop her for a second.

"Hey Felicity?"


"Thanks for taking care of me. You're right. It's what my grandmother would do."

"Anytime kiddo. And the same goes for your brother when we find him, and we will find him." I nod my head and she places the needle into the gash. I grit my teeth, thankful that I can't actually see what she's doing. I sit there for about twenty minutes before she finally pulls of the rubber gloves she'd been wearing and tosses them away.

"Not my best work, but you should be fine... Now lets find your brother, okay?"

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat