The Crash

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Authors Note: After much deliberation, I will be doing another book to continue on the Olicity/Ren story. I hope you guys really enjoy this one, and I promise to do my best to keep updating.


It was just about another normal day for the two seventeen years olds. They talked to their mom over Skype to see how her business trip to Russia was going, they visited their dads grave where it sat on the back of the Queen property. It was right next to their great-grandparents graves, in a beautifully wooded area of the property. It was still a fresh wound for them to think about their father, even though he'd been gone for most of their life. 

"Hey Dad..." They'd both great the stone everyday without a fault before taking a seat on the soft, well kept ground. They'd sit for hours sometimes, depending on the day just telling them how their lives were going. Neither of them could ever forget the moment that he'd had a panic attack and bolted out in front of the bus...

It was the first weekend that they'd spent as a family in years. They were only six at this point, but both of them knew the importance of the time that they were getting to spend with their father.

"Hey dad, can we go to the park?" Beck had asked full of hope as they strolled through downtown Central City. He watches carefully as the man he's idolized for his entire life bends down to his height, ruffling his hair playfully.

"Of course we can, as long as your mother doesn't mind?" The twins both turn to face their mother with their signature begging faces being worn loud and proud.

"A chance to not be outnumbered at the park? What're we waiting for?" Their about to leave when they pretend to not hear their mother curse to herself.

"I forgot my phone at Jitters. You guys wait here, and I'll be right back, okay? Then I promise we can spend the entire afternoon at the park."

"Alright." The two little boys cling to their fathers hands tightly as they watch their mom jog back down the street, until there's the loud crash of the garbage truck pouring the contents of a dumpster into its caboose. They can immediately see a change in their fathers behavior, and begin to panic as their dad drops both of their hands to cover his ears while shouting out for someone to help him. 

"Daddy?" Conner feels the fear rising in his throat, but doesn't scream out until he watches as his father backs up into the street just in time for a bus to hit him full on. 

"Daddy!" Both of them try to run towards him, but find themselves being held back by strangers. 

"Ben?!" They can hear their mothers shrieks as she fights her way through the crowds beginning to form.

"Ma'am stay back."

"No! No! That's my husband!"

After that day their mother was never the same, but neither were the twins. They quickly figured out the only people that would ever understand them, was each other. Kids at school would mock them about it. The worst moment, this very day, was when some idiot said that they were the reasons why their father died.

Beck had immediately swung at the kids jaw, while Conner tried to pull his brother away. They'd been kicked out of every private school that they'd been sent to so far, and he knew that after this one they'd have nowhere local to go. Even having Oliver and Felicity Queen as your grandparents could get you so far in the world, no matter how many strings that their Great-Aunt Thea pulled. 

They were walking up the long drive on their way back to the Queen Manor, when Conner saw the blinding light out of the corner of his eye. It took him a few seconds to process the source of the light, but by then it was too late for him to warn his brother; the SUV hit them both at full force sending them flying.

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