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My wrists were getting sore from hanging at least a foot of the ground, but the loss of blood flow was slowly starting to numb the feeling. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I ran my tongue over my lips from the split lip I'd been given.

"You know, just as I was thinking that there was no way to get to Oliver, you guys appear." I immediately recognize the voice that belongs to Evelyn. I knew that there was something about her that was off.

"What do you want from me?" As she steps into what little light there is, I can see her spinning an arrow between her palms, the tip of it twirling wildly. Her eyes have a wicked gleam in them as she studies me.

"Oliver needs to be punished. He's a serial killer! He's killed dozens of people and he'll never be punished!" At this moment, I've never been happier to know that this Oliver isn't my grandfather, or that my actual grandmother had talked me into taking behavior analysis classes.

"You think that taking me will do anything? I'm on your side. I want to see Oliver pay for what he's done."

"He's your grandfather."

"Are you kidding me?? Whoever this Oliver is, he's not my grandfather. My grandfather is a business man! My grandfather would never touch another human being in a way that could harm them...! I feel just as betrayed as you!"

"Really?" Shock comes across her face, with a hint of surprise. She hadn't been expecting this from me.

"He could care less about me. The only thing that we could possibly share right now is what little DNA there is between us! So if you want to try and use me as bait, go ahead. He might finally get what he deserves." Of course I don't believe what I'm actually saying, but I have a feeling that she believes me, at least partially.

"That's enough!" A hooded figure appears, a bow strapped to the their back, but I can't make out their face.

"Prometheus. You're back early."

"Leave. Mr. Allen and I are going to spend some quality time together..." He says, waving a hand at her dismissively.

"What. You said you wouldn't torture him!"

"Why would you want to protect the flesh and blood of the monster?"

"He's on our side."

"You fool! You believe him!?"

"I-I" Before she can say anything I watch in horror as Prometheus, in one swift movement, takes a throwing star and swipes it across Evelyn's cheek, leaving a deep gash.

"Hey! Leave her alone! You said that you wanted to hurt me! So do it!"

"Playing hero now??" The villain grabs Evelyn by the hair making her scream and throws her on the ground near my feet.

"No. She will have the honors."

"I won't do it..." He crouches down next to her and I watch as she shakes violently. I try to fight at the restraints, but it's no good considering most of my body is numb.

"What. Did you say??"

"I won't do it... I won't torture him..." Prometheus gets to his feet and swings his foot right into her stomach, causing her to fall over onto her side.

"You Bastard! Stay away from her??"

"I take orders from no one!" He shouts in my face before continuing to kick Evelyn over, and over and over again, until I start to feel sick...

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now