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"She's dead." The words echo around the room as my brother says them. Just hearing them made me feel sick, I couldn't even imagine saying them at this point. There was no chance that she could be alive anymore; it's the only logical reason that Prometheus hadn't brought her here too. She was his slave, but she was in no shape to do him any favors; not to mention that she'd practically betrayed him countless times at this point, trying to save me. The guilt I was carrying at this point was the heaviest thing that I'd ever carried in my life.

"Conner, is she dead?"

"He beat her..."

"What? Wasn't she on his side?"

"Prometheus plays a mind game as much as he tares you down physically. He swore to her that Oliver would be the only one harmed. She never wanted me to get hurt... He decided that if she didn't want him to torture me, then it was her job to do it. When she refused, he'd beat her instead... The last I actually saw of her was when she collapsed, coughing up blood..." The images flash through my head. Even in the darkness of the prison, I knew the dark substance that she started to cough up was blood.

"He left her there... Lying on the floor dying..."

"Oh Conner..." I look up and see a defeated look on Felicity's face. She didn't even know what I'd been through in the near two weeks that Prometheus had me. The physical and mental extremes that he'd pushed me to; ones that I never even knew existed.

"I'm kinda tired... Do you mind leaving so I can get some sleep?" I can see the hurt on Beck's voice. Normally when something happened, we'd stay up for hours to talk about what had occurred, but that was the last thing that I wanted to do right now. I'd be lucky if I ever fell asleep again without a nightmare waiting to greet me.

"Sure, we'll wait outside..." I nod my head in response, and the three of them file out of the small hospital room. A nurse comes to check on me a few minutes later, flicking off the lights, and closing the door behind her.

Glancing to the dark corner in the room I can makeup the outline of the leather clad archer standing there going unnoticed by everyone else that had been in the room since I woke up. He steps into the moonlight that had been flooding in through the window, and guessing by his lack of an armed bow, I'd pulled off my instructions decently.

"What's next?"

"You continue to gain Oliver's trust. Find what he cares about most in the world, and I might spare the girl."

"Not might. A guarantee that she survives if I give you what you want."

"That, Mr. Allen, will all depend on how quickly you can get my information, and how much you actually care for her. So for her sake, I hope you act quickly." And with the blink of an eye Prometheus had vanished from the room. This was all apart of the game, and at this point I'm willing to do anything to win it.

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now