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My head was still pounding, my ears ringing as I watched Conner try to explain how we'd ended up here; it wasn't going well considering that we still didn't know what had happened. One minute we were walking up the drive to the Manor, the next we were getting hit by a car. How we'd ended up here, I had no clue entirely.

"So you're trying to tell me, that you two are Felicity and I's grandsons?"

"Yes. You guys had our mother, uncle, and aunt, before Felicity got diagnosed with cancer. After that there's a whole lot of family drama and then you guys adopted our uncle. Four kids. Felicity, you had a son with Ray Palmer when you were fifteen. You always tell Millie to never make the same mistakes that she did."

"Well Oliver and I aren't even together, so there's no kids there. In fact I'm supposed to be at my dead boyfriends funeral right now, but I'm here. So if you guys could stop-"

"Run our DNA against yours. The both of you. It won't be direct, but you'll be able to see traces." Conner was always the more intelligent between the both of us, while I tended to be the one that would take action in situations.

"Why not??" The blonde throws her hands up in exasperation and walks over to us, ripping a few strands off of each of our heads.

"Owe!" I massage the spot she had ripped the strands from my head, it still stinging slightly.

"Oh suck it up!" She shouts as she disappears into the Lair, leaving us with the group of people that had formed around.

"Oliver, you have to believe us." There Conner goes again, pleading with someone who doesn't even know who we are. I'm not quite sure if I'll ever understand my twin completely, no matter how much alike we are.

"I believe that you two believe what you're saying, but what you're saying is impossible."

"Call Barry, he's our grandfather too. He married Caitlin Snow before they got divorced. He married Kara Danvers after that, and Caitlin married Ronnie Raymond."

"Ronnie Raymond is dead." Now I'm really confused. Ronnie, Barry, and Oliver were the closest things we had to fathers in our life after our dad died. Conner had always been closest to Oliver, while I found himself bonding with Barry and Ronnie more. While they were never my dad, they'd raised me; they were most like my dad out of the three.

"T-That's not true!" I'm on my feet, pushing the fogginess out of my mind as much as I can.

"Beck." My brother grabs my arm before I can do anything I might regret, especially considering that we're out numbered and not by a small ratio.

"They're telling the truth." All eyes turn to Felicity as she stands there holding a piece of paper, her eyes wide with shock, but science dictates that we're telling the truth.


"They're telling the truth. All of it. I even ran them against Barry and Caitlin and they came back with DNA traces to all four of us. They're our grandsons..."

Bloodline Series Book 3: The Green Arrows Grandsons (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now