Jason smiled back at him. Hiroshi took another breath and then bent down, grabbing his clothes. "Okay...sorry again. I'll get dressed." He went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Jason sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He pulled himself up, stretching, before glancing at James. He smirked at the guy just snoozng there. He didn't have to deal with travel or drama. Just snooze through the day and wake up for fun stuff at night. Must be a nice life.

A few minutes later, Hiroshi emerged from the bathroom. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt with some band's logo on it, and sneakers. He gestured at himself. "Think I look okay?"

"Yeah," Jason gave him a thumbs up. "Look fine, I guess."

Hiroshi looked down at himself and frowned. "Wish I had a better t-shirt." He patted the logo on it. "I really don't like this band. They kinda suck and I don't wanna be seen as a fan but...eh. It's just temporary, like a disguise. So its fine."

Jason shrugged. He didn't really care. Hiroshi turned and approached the door, Jason moving to follow. But Hiroshi suddenly stopped and glanced at James.

"Uh...he gonna be okay?"

"James?" Jason laughed and waved a hand at him. "Oh yeah, he'll be fine. Worst case scenario, he wakes up and gets a bit disoriented 'cause he's in a new place. But the Director said to be back by five and he wakes up at six thirty, so we'll be here when he does." Jason waved a hand at the door. "Now let's go!"

They exited the hotel room and went into the hallway. Jason found Laureen and Audrey waiting for them. Audrey was leaning against their door, stooping a bit in the corridor to avoid the low hanging ceiling, while Laureen was approaching their door. She stopped in mid-stride and grinned at them. She was dressed in a leather jacket, t-shirt, some sweat pants, and boots.

"Hey!" She approached Jason and they high fived. "You guys look good. Ready for some fun?"

"Think so," Jason smiled back. "It'll be nice to visit another city when we're not fighting metahumans." He looked at Audrey. He raised an eyebrow. "Uh...not to sound offensive, Audrey, but..."

Audrey raised a hand. "I know, I know." She sighed. "I'm not coming." She smirked ruefully. "I'd be too conspicuous. Freak people out. I'll just...stay here." She sighed. "Maybe watch a movie or something, I guess. Maybe two."

Jason immediately felt bad. Damnit, he shouldn't have been so blunt. He said, perhaps a bit too loudly, "...uh. Sorry." Audrey waved him off but didn't reply. She just looked away.

Laureen looked between them. She jerked a thumb at another door. "I'm gonna try Max. One second." She approached the door and knocked. "Yo Max! We're gonna go tour around? Wanna come?"

There was silence. Laureen stood there awkwardly before she knocked again. "Come on dude. It's been forever since we've had some chill time outside the base. You sure you don't wanna come?"

Still more silence. Laureen sighed. She turned away from the door and called, "Alright! Whatever..." She approached Jason and Hiroshi. "Guess just us then."

Audrey sniffed and mumbled, "Have fun." She turned away, antennae drooping and lumbered back inside her hotel room, squeezing through the door before slamming it shut. The door rattled from the impact and one of the hinges fell off. Jason winced from the noise.

"Geez," He muttered. He rubbed his hair. "Maybe we shouldn't go...I mean now, its only the three of us."

Laureen shook her head. "Nah come on, guys." She looked at Jason before glancing at Hiroshi. "Can't let that put a damper on the mood. We need some chill time! Now come." She gestured at the elevaor. "We're going out, we're gonna have fun, and that is a fucking order."

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