"What are your thoughts, D?" I was asked. Looking over to the passenger seat, I saw his gun resting on his lap, a loose hold on the gun but relaxed as his eyes wandered.

"My thoughts? I want IRG's money but something crossed my mind. Where's Honey been? I haven't seen her number pop up on my phone or even as much as seen her around town." For a female such as herself, she knows how to keep out of mind when she needs to. "I miss her help." And our benefits. 

"She's been busy with Trey. I've seen her with him one time and I assume that's who she's been kept busy with." A slight shrug of his shoulders as I looked back over at Breezon who was sitting on the swing. 

"Oh that's right, Trey loves a double crossing lying relentless manipulative whore. Forgot that little detail and of course she's all for him but why not play around with that too? I've noticed IRG's trap basically empty and his members on the constant move. You think they're feeling the heat?" Sitting back like I am, I'm making minor advances. From what I noticed in past attempts from others, why bother sending my goons to the trap in hopes they'll kill off IRG? That doesn't work because it's what they expect. They're a gang built up for action, it's the mind games you pull that get to them... as Marco explained to me.

The more I think about it, they're probably strapped waiting for me to show up like everyone else. I know it has to be eating away at Trey especially since I'm always just on the outside doing the most subtle of things. All this anticipation, angst and anxiety building up must be making Trey restless. Causing tension to flourish throughout them all. That's only the start.

"Want me to pay a visit to Honey?" He offered. 

"No. I can just call her, get in her head a bit. I want to have a word with D1 now that I think about it." Starting up the car, I was quick to pull off from the parking spot and begin to head back to where I've been laying low at and where I have D1 currently put away. "Call Emontay and tell him the second Javier sets foot at the trap in Detroit, have him executed."

"What about the body? What do you want them to do with it afterwards."

"I'm sure they'll want the body so have it kept in the best possible condition. They're gonna lose what they have with IRG, we can at least let them keep Javier's body as a memoir of what once was and what it became." I said and he gave me a quick nod, pulling out his phone and scrolling up on the screen before placing it against his ear. 


When I arrived at the house, I was quick to head to the room where D1 was being kept. No one else seemed to be here and that raised some instant concern because I specifically said I never wanted D1 left alone. Great... Just great. 

Continuing down the stairs to the little room where he was being kept, I didn't even as much as find a person standing outside the door. Removing the chain that kept it locked, I went inside to find D1 still tied up where I last saw him. Not even as much as moved a couple millimeters so I approached him. Pressing two fingers to his neck, there was still a decent pulse, I'd say about seventy beats per minute if I had to take a guess. 

"Alright Dante, wake up." I said as I nudged him. "Dante." Nudging him harder, he completely slumped forward. "The hell is wrong with you?" All he did was breathe peacefully in his slumped over position and I couldn't understand why. He should be more than awake by now, we knocked him out well over fourteen hours ago. Something wasn't adding up with this situation. "Let me find out what you're up to Dante, so help you God it doesn't end up with me killing you or your brother. Well actually I could just make you have to decide who lives, either you or your brother." I said lastly to him before I turned back around and headed out the door. Making sure to put the chain back on. 

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