Chapter 11: Holding

Start from the beginning

Her thoughts were broken by Poppy coming back with a glass of headache cure.

She thanked her and drank it down.

"Can I get up and go to my rooms yet?" she asked, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Not yet." Poppy pushed her back, but Meg needed to see Severus.

"I have to get up and..."

"Listen to Poppy," came the soft voice of Dumbledore.

Meg looked up to see the headmaster coming into the room, closely followed by a very annoyed looking Snape.

"But I feel fine," she muttered, letting Poppy draw the covers back over her.

"Just for tonight; you did get a blow to your head from the branch," Poppy said and left the ward once again.

Meg kept her eyes on the edge of the blankets, unable to meet either man's eyes.

"How are you feeling?" asked Dumbledore quietly, he stood at the end of her bed. Snape was just a little to his left and behind him.

"Fine, thank you," she replied, her voice even and under-control.

"You were very brave yesterday," he continued, Meg gave a very impressive Snape Snort, making him chuckle.

The headache cure was kicking in and Meg was able to bring her head up slightly, her face an impassive mask.

"Any of the professors would have had the foresight not to get right under the branch before trying to get him down," her voice was cool and aloof, her resolve and control firmly in place.

"Maybe, maybe not. Everything has resolved itself," he nodded his head.

Meg shook her head, and just covered herself by sitting higher in the bed; she didn't need either man to notice just how badly she was coping.

"Will you be okay for tomorrow? Severus has informed me he's willing to cover for you if it's needed," Dumbledore watched Meg closely.

"No, thank you... I'll be fine," she said quickly and then making herself look at Snape she tried to smile and failed badly.

He regarded her with cold black eyes.

"Right, well then, get some sleep and we'll see you tomorrow." Dumbledore rubbed his hands together and left the ward, Snape on his heels.

"Severus..." His name left her lips before she could stop herself.

He stopped and turned; Dumbledore carried on and shut the door behind him leaving them alone.

He didn't say anything just watched her with those fathomless eyes of his.

"I... um... I was wondering..." Meg cleared her throat. Damn the man! Why did he have to have this affect on her; how could he make her feel like some silly teenager again?

He made no move towards the bed and no move to help her with what she was trying to say.

"Er... that is... thank you for hauling me out of that river. Even if it was by my hair," she couldn't help but add. She could still feel the slight pain from where he'd pulled her so hard.

"You're welcome," he nodded his head slightly, his eyes half-closed.

"Oh, hell!" Meg shoved the covers back and tried to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What the..." Her legs were weaker than she thought and she felt herself slide to the floor in a heap of nightgown. She gripped the side of the bed just as Snape appeared beside her.

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