Everyone obviously understood how important the meeting was, even Stark was on time.

Once Stark, Banner, Barton, Romanoff, Rogers, Thor and Loki were all sat around the table I began.

"I have been looking for new recruits for your team, as you may," I shot a glare at Stark, "or may not be aware."

I passed Perseus's folder over to Romanoff so they could all have a look at their soon to be team member.

"Why is his folder so classified, don't you trust us enough?" Romanoff asked, shooting me one of her famous glares.

I just glared back and answered, "I don't have the clearance to access it."

They all sat in a stunned silence for a few seconds before shouting at me.

"You're the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, how don't you have access!"

"Stupid mortals."

"If he's so classified how can he be on our team?"

"Shark Tank! That's BRILLIANT!"

I raised my hand and waited for silence, one by one they all copied me until just Stark was talking,

"Did you guys read the cannon bit yet!"

He noticed no one replied so looked up, he coughed loudly and glared at the others before also raising his hand.

Gods they act like pre-schoolers.
Gods, they act like pre-schoolers.
I allowed myself a small smile at my use of a comma. See, I can be 'cool' when I want.

"Umm, I can see if I can hack his file for you?" Stark offered, obviously trying to make up for earlier, "I mean... Legally use my rights... To information? Oh well, I'll stick with hack."

I sighed, "I wish that was possible, if it is at this level it will be a paper copy not electronic. There is nothing you can do Stark."

"How are we supposed to find him, there is no address listed?" Romanoff asked, trying to get back to business.

"He is only 17 so we are trying to track him through the school system." I told them.

I noticed Loki sitting smugly in the chair by the window, seemingly amused by us.

"Is something funny to you Loki? Because Thor can take you and your smug little face back up to Asgard if you get on my bad side." I glared at him, if anything his smile seemed to grow at my words.

"Don't threaten me when you don't know the story, mortal." He replied, shooting a glance at his brother. Adoptive brother.

"Fine. Now do you have any better ideas, or are we mortals just too insignificant for them?" I shot him a final glare, but hoped he had some idea of how to find the boy.

"Well, I am a God. You are just puny mortals. But, I have decided to help you just this once." He told us, that pretentious grin still on his face.

"Cough, mortals who beat you, cough." Tony coughed from across the table.

I shot him a glare as Loki continued, "I can find him, I just need a recent picture."

I glanced at the photo in my hands; it was from Percy's last school when he was 15. "If you are as good as you say then this should be good enough," I told him, tossing the photo across the table.

The rest of the team immediately scrambled over to it, hoping to get a look. The boy had a tanned complexion, black hair, green eyes and seemed to be very fit.

The God glared at my doubting of his abilities, "This will be fine. I will get my brother to contact you when I have located him."

He shimmered out of the room, leaving an angry Thor behind, "I told him not to send an illusion!"

Everyone else just sighed at their latest member's behaviour, as if it was normal for them. If that is the case then I may have to have a word with Thor.

I sighed as I watched them leave the room, have I made the right choice with Percy? We know nothing about him...


Chapter 1!

1142 words

Disclaimer - I own nothing except the plot.

QotU - Who is your least favourite Avenger?

Mine is Steve, I just find him a bit annoying.

Picture on the cover is by viria.

Loki and Thor will NOT be fangods. I find it annoying.

Hello Bob! ⭐ (and small bob)

Over But Never Out    (PJO/Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now