"Come on, let's go meet our guest," she gestures, walking out the kitchen, I didn't miss the way her voice quivered.

I sigh and reluctantly get up leaving my book on the table and proceed to follow after her, I round the corner and see Mom standing beside Dad, his arm around her waist, pressing her into his side. They both blocked my view from the person who stood at the door and it wasn't until I was close enough that I could see who it was.

A man, who towered over dad who I thought was tall, stood outside the door; he had midnight black hair that hung over his forehead and chocolate brown eyes that bore down into my Dad's before flickering over towards me. My mind zapped, the color of his eyes reminding me of someone.

"Logan," Dad starts, "I'll like for you to meet my wife, Diana," he gestures towards Mom pulling her closer as much as he could when the man's gaze slides over her, dipping lower.

"And my daughter, Abigail." Dad finishes throwing his arm over my shoulder when I was close enough.

I had to crane my neck up slightly to look him in the eye as he stared me down, this continued for a few more seconds before he grinned, the action looking some-what forced.

"It's nice to meet you," he says holding his hand out.

Slowly I place my hand in his much larger one, giving it a shake while forming a smile of my own. "You too."

Mom clears her throat, clasping her hands together. "Well since the introductions are over with, how about something to eat, yeah?" she says, pulling away from Dad and turning around toward the kitchen.

"Sure. I could eat a little something." Logan utters, walking inside, passing by Dad who stood stiffly by the door as he closed it.

I don't miss the side look he sends him. I watch them keep eye contact for a split second before he looks away and strides into the dining room, my eyebrows crease in confusion; I slowly turn towards Dad who gives me tight smile though not meeting my eye.


"Don't worry about it, Abigail," he cuts me off before I could get another word out. "Everything's fine. Come on."

With that he walks to where the others went, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

It doesn't take long for the food to be ready and plates to be made before everyone is sitting around the table. We say grace and soon the room is filled with the sound of forks hitting against plates. The air was thick with tension as I swallow a piece of chewed up chicken, my gaze flickers between Dad and Logan, both haven't touched their food besides a few bites here and there. When Logan suddenly sighs, all movements stop beside mine.

"I need to talk with you, Cole, you as well Diana," he speaks. His eyes then snap toward me while saying, "Alone."

I hold his stare with my own, not moving a muscle. I could see Dad out the corner of my eye giving me a pleading look, something uncharacteristic of him.

I sigh heavily, "Whatever."

Standing to my feet and throwing my napkin on the table, I grab my book and make my way to the backdoor that leads to the backyard that connects with the forest.

"Don't stay out too long, the temperature's dropping!" I hear Mom call out just before the door completely closes.

I blow a breathe, staring ahead into the thick forest of trees, the leaves sway in the slight breeze, the air cool and the sky darkening as nightfall rises. I walk down the steps and sit on the second one, putting the book beside me as I stuff my hands in my jacket pocket.

I hear their muffled voices along with things moving around. The wind begins to pick up speed, blowing my hair to the side at the same moment a crunch resonates in the empty silence. My gaze shifts all around the area looking for the source, coming up with nothing, I'm forced to look into the darkness of the woods.

Slowly standing to my feet, I remove my hands from my pockets and stare intensely at the trees, the urge to explore filling me to the brim. I clench my hands and turn back towards the house to see a shadow move past the window. With one final breath, I advance towards the trees that surrounds the whole area, an unsaid mission.

~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~


This is a whole reason why I put a message on my message board saying I'll be trying to update more frequently! I feel horrible and I hope you guys came forgive me! I tried to make the chapter longer, I kinda do, anyway pray you guys enjoyed the chapter and if you seen this chapter posted before that was an accident.



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