Stargazing [Part 25]

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Okay, now, moving on to part 25
Yaaay xD

Please do enjoy(?) ≧﹏≦

[Narrator's PoV]

Amatsuki, Kashitarou, Anku, Hashiyan, Kony, Sakata, Urata, Soraru, and Mafumafu are now gathered in a barbeque restaurant for a delicious dinner, and to discuss for a "plan".

A/n : story will be written in dialogue format.
Amatsuki : Ama
Kashitaro : Kashi
Hashiyan : Hashi
Anku : Un
Kony : Ko
Sakata : Sa
Urata : Ura
Soraru : Sora
Mafumafu : Mafu

Now, let us begin!

The order came. Hashiyan, Soraru, and Amatsuki are the first to grill the meats first. While at the same time, Kashitaro starts to explain what is going on between Kashi, Sora, and Mafu with Bryan. Also, about the relationship between Bryan and you. After hearing the story, Amatsuki twitch, making an irritated face along with the other member.

Suddenly, a shout was heard.


Kashi : what?!

Ama : huh? A-a-ahaha, sorry, I was a bit, umm, spacing out. Te-he. *wink*

Hashi : what the heck, our precious beef is now as black as Amatsuki's love story! *pissed off*

Ama : That was cruel of you, Hashi! *wails*

Sora : *sigh* Amatsuki, just rest and let me and Hashi handle this.

Soraru then pushes Amatsuki slightly. Amatsuki then sits down and stare at his drink with a blank stare. A really blank stare.

Ura : hey, someone cheer him up. His soul is leaving...

Un : leave it to me...

Anku walks and take a seat from across Amatsuki to beside him. He then slaps his shoulder hard.

Un : yo! Amachan, cheer up! This is nothing u know!

Ama : ...

All : ...

Ko : hey, this is serious right?

Kony said sweating a bit.

Kashi : Amatsuki, are you alright?

Ama : ... Yea, I'm fine. Somehow...

Amatsuki said with a sad face.

Kashi : *sigh* Amatsuki, do you think (y/n)-chan will choose Bakaryan(literally from Baka+bryan=stupid bryan www) more than you? '~´

Ama : .. Perhaps, yeah. (;-;)


Ama : huh?

Ura : There is no way Amatsuki will lose to Bakaryan!(ノ´ヮ´)ノ

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