Aho no Sakata x Reader :3

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Hello, I'm back!
Sorry for the long wait, school is preventing me from writing, or even imagining the story's concept :'v

I kinda had an artist block too actually 😂

So yeah, here is the Sakata x Reader :3

Requested by : @mufflexo -chan ^^


[Narrator's PoV]

"Heeey, (y/n)-chan! Let's go to the arcade!!!"

Sakata called out to you, showing off his new motorcycle.

"So you're here asking me to go with you, just so that you could show your new motorcycle?" You sigh as you talks to him from your apartment room's balcony.

"Aw come on... I finally manage to bought it too..." Sakata pouted as he rested his chin onto his motorcycle.

"Sigh... Okay, wait a minute." you said as you get into your room and get dressed.

"Yes!" Sakata posed a victory strike.

After a few minutes, you approached Sakata who is waiting for you outside your apartment.

"Hello there~" Sakata smiles at you.

"Hello... So where are we going again?" you pouted a bit.

"The arcade. It's been years since we last went there! Let's have fun!" Sakata sat on his motorcycle, he then ask you to sit behind him.

"Okay... Aho no Sakata." you smiles a bit seeing the childish Sakata. You then sat on his motorcycle. Both of you went to the usual arcade you guys used to went back then.

[At the arcade]

"Aaaah! Finally! After so long!!!" Sakata shouted as he enters the arcade.

"Oh come one, are you a kid?" you sigh as you follows him into the arcade.

"Wooooh!!!! Let's have a loy of fuuuuun~" Sakata skips as he walks all around the arcade.

"Really, he never change..." you smiles a bit as you the childish Sakata skipping around the arcadr floor.

"(Y/n)-chan! Let's race!" Sakata takes your hand and leads you to the car racing game.

"Uuhn, fine, fine." you smiles a bit as you follow him.

(After a few minutes)

"Whaaaat?!" Sakata leaned to the screen, examining the game result's carefully.

Yeah, you won, as always...

"Just accept it Sakata. You sucks with car." you smirk at the defeated Sakata.

"Uuurgh... Let's have a rematch!"

"Fine by me, though I bet you'll lose again."

"I won't!"

Thus, the rematch begins...

(After a few minutes)

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