Stargazing [Part 21]

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Finally part 21 is out 😂
Sorry for the really long wait guys :'3
I'm kinda sad we can't add audio from soundcloud anymore, but there's still youtube though www

Okay, anyway, move on to the story!
I hope it'll enjoy you ^^

Song : Chiisana Koi no Uta
Vocal : Amatsuki

[Your PoV]

"shall we go, my princess?"

*sigh* I can't stop rewinding his words again and again in my mind. I can't even believe I am on a date with him right now. It's like we're escaping reality and went to a world only for us.

"(Y/n)?" Amatsuki suddenly calls out to me.

"A-aah, yes?" I replied rather flustered, I was lost too deep into my thoughts.

"Ah no, you were sighning a lot. I thought maybe you don't want to do this after all." Amatsuki's words stinged my heart.

I seemed that way to him?

I then let his hand go and slapped both od my cheek as hard as I can see.

"(Y/n)?! What's wrong?!" Amatsuki got panicked looking at the weird me. "Are you stupid? Don't hurt yourself." Amatsuki holds my hand which is still resting on my cheek, gently caressing it.

"Sorry, I thought, I should change the mood!" I smiled at him.

"Sorry to worry you, Amatan." As I utter those words of apology, Amatsuki kissed me on the slightly red cheek of mine.

"Amatan?!" I blushed, well of course, it was so sudden! And furthermore, we're at public, lot's of eyes are staring at us.

"Aaah, how cute!" A girl suddenly squeled at us.

So emberassing!

"What's that for, Bakamatan." I pouted.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. I thought I'll heal those cheeks which looks like they're in pain." Amatsuki said laughing.

"Geez... But to kiss me in public is." I mumbled.

"Is what?" To my surprise he heard it.

"Unn, nothing! Let's go!" I said walking fast ahead of him.

"Sigh, it's your fault for being so cute."

"Huh?" I thought Amatsuki said something.

"Nope nothing, let's have some fun shall we?" Amatsuki just smiled stupidly, oh well.

"Let's go!" I smiled so happily, it's been quite some times since I last visited the amusement park after all.


"We went and play various kinds of amusement rides. There were times it's funny, thrilling, scary, cute, etc.  But really, it was just so fun! But, Amatsuki is kinda funny and cute sometimes, showing me sides he never shown to me before.

Like for example, when we were riding the carousel.

"Aah! A carousel, how nostalgic. I used to ride this a whole lot of times when I was a kid." I said as I gaze at the carousel nearby.

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