Stargazing [Part 4]

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I am so into writing recently so I have been updating quite swiftly~ *thank god*

U know, usually I am such a slowpoke when writing a story TwT
So it's a miracle to reach part 4 in a week... *cries*

And the cover this time is CoF's song
Unforgettable Night ✌

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it!!!! 😄😄😄


Finally, we arrived at the apartment.

If I remembered correctly, my room is at floor, uh, floor 8?

I pressed the 8 button of the elevator, since we are heading to my room. After arriving at the 8th floor, I start to look around and found my room which is number 0(3 of y/fav number).

Wow, it's my favorite numbers!

Then I open the door, and to my surprise, the room is so beautiful and neat!

Soon enough Kashi who helped me carrying my bag, also helped me to tidy up while the other are busy with their own activity.

"Well, that's all." Said Kashi putting my last package in place.

"Thanks a lot, Kashi-kun!" I really do appreciate for all the help, soon Hashkyan and the other enters the living room from the kitchen.

"Then, why don't we enjoy a cup of (y/fav drink) while we wait for Kony?" Said Hashiyan bringing out 5 cup of (y/fav drink) helped by Un:c and Amatsuki.

"Nice! Thank you!" I said taking a cup from Amatsuki.

I really do like (y/fav drink) after all!

I thought as I take a few sips from the cup. It feels like my fatigues are all washed away.


"Coming!" I put the cup down on my desk as I hurried to the door. It must be Kony with all of our snacks! Knowing the one in front of my door must be Kony, I opened it immediately.

"Welcome, Kony-san!" I said opening the door.

Eh, wait, what?

"Sorry, but we're not Kony!" Said a guy with a white hair and a barcode sign on his left cheek.

"Yo, new Neighbor!" Said the other guy with slightly curled black hair.

"It can't be, Mafumafu-san and Soraru-san?!" I said surprised, I thought it was Kony, but to my surprise it's one of my favorite utaite duos other than Melost, SoraMafu!

"Can we enter?" Ask Mafumafu

"We bring souveniers too!" Continued Soraru handing a package of fruits.

"Wow! Thanks a lot! Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n). Please come in, we were about to have some dinner." I said welcoming the both of them after bowing and introducing myself.

"Well, kay, thanks (y/n)-chan!" Said Mafumafu getting in.

"Hello (y/n)-san I'm Soraru. This might not be much, but please take it!" Said Soraru giving a gentle smile, handing me the gift to me while pulling Mafumafu back to the door way with his left hand.

"Aaah, sorry. I'm Mafumafu, thanks for having us! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself earlier!" Said Mafumafu scratching the back of his head, his shirt's collar still pulled by Soraru.

"Haha, it's alright. Come in, you're welcome!" I said giving a small laugh.

"Sorry for the intrusion!" Said both Mafumafu and Soraru coming into the house.

☆ FAN FICTIONS ☆ When Your Dreams Came True ☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ