Aho no Sakata x Reader :3

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Part 2 here :'3
You can either read it as you hear "pierrot" from the video above, or listening to "ayano's happiness theory piano/accoustic arrangement" audio. Both of them are sang by the same utaite, Aho no Sakata :3

Or maybe you can hear them both if my story is too long for the music 😂

Happy reading :'D

[Narrator' PoV]

It's pretty late at night. You are so bored doing nothing as you lay on your bed. You waited for Sakata to reply your "hello" message. But he is not replying, well,he is busy doing his cover.

"So we're dating now huh...?" you blushes a bit as you thought to yourself.

You began to imagine a lot of things to do with Sakata. Going on a date, eating dinner together, celebrating anniversaries and birthdays, christmas date, new year eve, watching fireworks, kisses and hugs you might get in the near future...


"Aaahn... It's to early to imagine those things! Stupid me!" you blushes as you roll around on top of your bed. You then take your phone and check your line.

"... Sakata... Is it wrong to miss you?" you closes you eyes, and drifted to sleep soon.



Your phone rings loudly, woke you from your beauty sleep. You look at the clock hanging on the wall, it's 00.00 o'clock.

"Hello..?" you amswered the call with a rather weak voice since you just woke up.

"Sorry to call you suddenly (y/n)-chan..."

"Hmm? This voice... Urata?" you rub your eyes a bit as you guess the person who is talking to you through the phone call.

"Yeah..." Urata said.

"What's wrong? It's midnight you know...."

"I need to tell you something (y/n)-chan..."

"What is i-..."

As soom as you heard what Urata has to say, yoy quickly grab your coat and run to the hospital.

Yes, Urata is delivering you a grim news...

"Sakata got into an accident, he is now in coma state..."


[At the hospital]

"Sakata!!!" you shouted as you arrived in front of Sakata's room.

"(Y/n)-chan! Calm down first..." Urata holds you down to calm you.

"I... I'm sorry..." your eyes were teary as you crouched in front of Sakata's room.

"... The doctors are doing their best..." Urata tries to cheer you up.

"Umm... Thanks Urata..." you smiles a bit, yet sadness is the only thing visible from your face.

After a few hours, the doctor finally come giving the results to both you and Urata.

"... We did our best, yet, doing our best is not yet enough..." the doctor said with an apologetic and and sad face.

"Wh-what do you mean, doctor?" your tears began to drip, running down your cheeks.

"His time, is not long anymore. Have some quality time with him, as long as he can still live.... I'm so sorry, excuse me..." the doctor went away since he has other patients to check.

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