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"...but Dr. Lee, it's been over 2 years now. Jimin and I have... well.. this is just a lot to handle." I admitted, "After I survived cancer, I never imagined the toll our lives would take. My son isn't dealing with this situation so well either..." I cried.

Dr. Lee gently placed his hand over mine, "Jina keep it together." He said, "The day you came to me you swore you'd do anything to help your husband, your family. Remember?"

I sniffled, "It's just getting hard to keep that promise Dr. Lee. Especially after all we've been through.... Jimin is just... not him. I mean, first my little brother passes away...and then--"

"But you must remind yourself why Jimin isn't himself, Jina. Don't forget."

"How could I? I remember that night like it was yesterday..."

Dr. Lee leaned back in his seat and folded his hands, "If you don't mind, would you tell me how it all happened again?"

"What? What for?" I asked a bit confused.

"So you can remind yourself why you always come here every Saturday."

"I come here for Jimin and my son." I said.

"For who else?"

I sighed, "..myself."

"Exactly, now act like I know nothing about what happened. Tell me like it's the first time I'm hearing this." He instructed.

"But what if I can't finish it? You know I hate the ending."

"Then keep it to yourself."

I've kept a lot to myself lately, so it isn't a problem.

"..ok." I whispered and leaned down on the sofa and closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath before I started.

I can do this. It isn't like this is the first time I'm telling this horrific event that changed our lives forever.

"...it all started after my birthday.." I began


Jina had a wonderful birthday celebration the night before. All of her friends were there, even her little brother, Jungkook, was there in spirit. Jimin and his friends had dedicated a song to her as well and as usual, Jina was grateful for the life she's holding on to.

The next morning she woke up in the arms of her husband, Jimin, who she loved more than life itself. Clearly.

Jimin has stayed by her side even while she was fighting cancer, he did whatever he could to help her fight the battle, and they won. Jina was as good as new and it only made their family grow closer than they already were.

That day they had plans to go out camping with their friends Hoseok, and Taehyung. The others couldn't make it because they had lives of their own.

Their son Milo wasn't going to tag along because he thought camping was lame. So he stayed behind despite that Jina was upset. But of course Jimin assured her it'd still be a fun and safe trip.

Jimin and Jina picked up the two pals and they were all on their way.

On a snowy night.

Hoseok: Is it me or is the weather getting worse?

Jimin yawned, "It's you, scared kitten."

Jina giggled.

Taehyung: I can't wait to make a fire. It's my first time making one did you guys know?

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