Chapter 43-- Eryn: The Final Chapter

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A/N: The original ending was going to be different. Kenway and Eryn return to Kenway's hometown to find his and Caroline's daughter Jennifer. Kenway was going to be nervous about what Eryn would say and do. However, Eryn was more than happy to help provide for the child, and the three of them settled in Great Inagua. Kenway and Eryn never had any children of their own. They often explored the seas, and one of Eryn's greatest pleasures was teaching Jennifer to sail the Jackdaw. She and Kenway still argued often, but mostly in sport. There, they lived happily ever after...

But I didn't end it this way, did I?

This chapter is over twice as long as usual! Yay! ^_^


I was aggravated when Ah Tabai spoke, cutting into mine and Kenway's conversation. What he'd been about to say... it was important, immensely important. I knew this. With a kiss, we both focused our attention on the headquarters.

I'd been so immersed in speaking to the captain that I hadn't realized how close we had come to our destination. The massive building loomed over us, giant towers stretching towards the sky. A parapet encircled the structure, adding extra protection.

"Seems bigger than it did before, doesn't it?" Kenway deadpanned. I couldn't help but agree with him, daunted by the task before us. I took a few steps forwards, but Ah Tabai's arm pushed against my midriff and shoved me back. I shot daggers at him before realizing why he'd done so.

One of the groups was scurrying along the outer wall, eliminating the guards. As the last fell, they waved us on. Ah Tabai, Kenway and I scaled up the stone bricks, a simple task with how many stones jutted out. For some reason, I kept looking over at him. He wouldn't fall, he wouldn't fall...

All three of us silently climbed over the top of the parapet, Kenway helping me stand. I was thankful for the dark cover of night, shrouding us and allowing us to move undetected. I barely recognized the halls once we entered, voices breaking the silence from inside. Kenway must have sensed my nervousness, touching my shoulder softly before taking the lead. I trusted his sense of direction, my skin crawling.

The damn self-righteous Templars had no right to control us. They had no fucking right. It was this anger that fueled me to continue.

I rubbed my chest, uncomfortable. The warmth that had been a constant for the past year was growing hotter, and I wondered if that was a sign we were nearing the Staff.

Ah Tabai slipped into the shadows, Kenway and I taking the opposite side. Four Templars passed us, and all four were easily dispatched. Ah Tabai cut the throats of two while Kenway jammed his hidden blade into the skull of another. I took care of the final one by throwing him against the wall, effectively knocking him out. I finished the job with a swift stomp to his neck, breaking the bones.

The heat in my chest began to fade, and I realized that we had somewhat of a compass to the artifact.

"Wait!" I hissed to my companions, using my arms to slow them down. Both halted and waited for an explanation. Despite my years with Ah Tabai, I wouldn't trust the Templars to not torture the information out of him. Instead, I whispered my thoughts to my pirate. "The piece, it's changing temperature inside of me. It grows colder the further this way we go."

Distant clattering and shouts came from the southern side of the headquarters, and I hoped that my assassin brethren would survive. They were distractions for us and were willing to die for the Brotherhood, but every member of my clan was important. I shivered before continuing. "We need to head back. It's where it was the warmest." Kenway touched just below my collarbone where the piece was buried.

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