Chapter 29-- Eryn/Edward: Safe

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Another combination chapter. This is the third one... three out of twenty-nine. Not bad, eh? Besides... I don't think you'll complain. :3

p.s. I usually include a back-rubbing scene in my stories... this is because I absolutely love it when someone takes the time to rub my back! ^_^ It's been about a month since they landed in Tulum.

To counter the light-hearted scene, there is a potentially triggering scene. Eryn once again tells her backstory. It's not as in-depth as before, but breezes over it and may still be difficult. I'll put this symbol (**) when it begins and ends. Thank you.



"Yeah. I guess I do." Instead of leaving, I acted on impulse and scooted over to Kenway. Tucking my legs under me, I leaned on his shoulder. He tensed up momentarily, but as it passed, he wrapped an arm around me. In that moment, I felt more at peace than I had since Duncan's death.

I remained still and simply listened to the sea, waves lapping at the beach. Animals called from the jungle behind us. Most assassins had gone to sleep, but a few spoke quietly down the sand. I took deep breaths, enjoying the bit of rest. After a little while, Kenway began to stroke my back slowly and rhythmically with his fingertips. I sighed in contentment.

I closed my eyes, relaxing against Kenway... against Edward.



I felt Eryn's body slouch against my own, and I stopped with my hand. She took deep, measured breaths, letting me know she had fallen asleep. What else could I do? I lifted her up carefully, her head resting in the crook of my right elbow while her legs dangled over my left arm. Slowly boarding my ship, I entered my own cabin and placed her onto my bed.

I nearly laughed at the irony of it all, but kept my mouth shut in hopes she would remain asleep. I touched her cheek lightly, remembering our shared words.

"You have a friend on the Jackdaw."

"Yeah. I guess I do." 

Who'd have thought it? Eryn Turner, deadly assassin with a personal vendetta against me, calling me 'friend'? I'd personally believed she'd kill me by the time our quest was over, regardless of what she found out. I licked the tips of my pointer finger and thumb, putting out the single lit lantern. With that, I closed the door and left the room.



I awoke with sunlight streaming into my eyes, and I scrunched my eyes closed. I groaned and turned myself over on the bed, trying to go back to sleep. It took me a moment, but my mind recognized it-- how did I get into a bed? Blinking rapidly, I surveyed my surroundings.

Kenway's cabin. I bit my lip and pushed myself up, leaning on my left arm. A yawn escaped my lips, and I stretched out my back. I felt satisfied as the bones cracked into place. Kenway was nowhere to be found, and I was somewhat grateful for that. I doubted I had repeated the offense of weeks ago, whatever had occurred.

The ship rocked in the ocean, but there was no other movement to suggest we had set sail. Most likely, we were still docked at the beach. Standing up, the bottoms of my feet prickled and my mind whirled as I tried to catch my balance.

It was then I realized, just as I was opening the door... for the first time in years, I'd had no nightmares.


I rubbed my eyes, yawning as I stepped out onto the deck of the Jackdaw. Its side-to-side rocking no longer irritated me, and it was more soothing than anything. I had grown used to the shifting under my feet and the salty air over the sea. I recognized Kenway's form from across the ship and smiled softly.

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